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    1KHz ODR Fusion Quaternion

    1KHz ODR Fusion Quaternion

    Occasional Visitor


    I am designing a new device which needs an IMU that outputs orientation quaternions at a high rate (1KHz).

    I have been reviewing your motion sensing devices, but I can't come up with a solution that complies with both requirements.

    Do you think either the BMF055 or the BNO055 could achieve those speeds?

    If not, do you have any solution for the required specs? Maybe using multiple sensors and fusing their data in another microcontroller with your fusion library or something.

    Thanks in advance,

    2 REPLIES 2

    Hi Otrebla,

    - BMF055 is freely programmable, but the BSXLite software has a fixed data rate of 50Hz. The raw sensors can provide up to 2kHz data, if you can find another sensor fusion library that can run faster on a Cortex M0+ @ 48MHz.
    - BNO055 has a maximum data rate of 100Hz
    - BHI160 has a maximum data rate of 200Hz
    - BHI260 will have a maximum data rate of 800Hz (when the part will be released)
    - BMI085 or BMI088 can output synchronized data at 1kHz, but has no built-in sensor fusion.

    Another solution you may want to take a look at is BNO080. This is basically a BMF055 pre-loaded with Hillcrest's sensor fusion software. This part number is supported directly by Hillcrest and therefore out of scope for this online community. Please contact Hillcrest Labs for support on this part number.

    Established Member

    If you require a high output rate but do not require increased bandwidth then you can interpolate the quaternions obtained at a lower ODR
