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    Accelerometer stops outputting data (BMI088 + Application Board 3.0)

    Accelerometer stops outputting data (BMI088 + Application Board 3.0)

    New Poster

    I'm using a BMI088 on a shuttle board attached to an Application Board 3.0. I'm trying out the examples after installing COINES, specifically the interrupt streaming example (

    I can run the example just fine as it is, which does a single read from the accelerometer an the gyro. I tried changing the example to read on a loop like this:

    /* Read sensor data */

    This works for 1-3 loops for the accelerometer, and then stops outputting data. Adding some extra logging, I see that the `rslt` variable is -1 (`COINES_E_FAILURE`). The gyro keeps outputting data just fine. Can anyone help? Thank you in advance.


    3 REPLIES 3

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi plasota,

    What function do you want to achieve?
    If you would like to read accel, gyro data, you could refer this example code

    New Poster

    It turned out to be a fimrware issue. I updated the firmware on the app3.0 by running `update_dd_fw.bat` in the `COINES\v2.7.0\firmware\app3.0` directory, and this fixed the issue. I was trying to achieve continuous reading from the IMU, as opposed to reading just one set of readings like in the example I linked.

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Good news, plasota.
