01-27-2023 01:37 AM
I'm using a BMI088 on a shuttle board attached to an Application Board 3.0. I'm trying out the examples after installing COINES, specifically the interrupt streaming example (https://github.com/boschsensortec/BMI08x-Sensor-API/blob/master/examples/interrupt_streaming_pc/inte...).
I can run the example just fine as it is, which does a single read from the accelerometer an the gyro. I tried changing the example to read on a loop like this:
/* Read sensor data */
This works for 1-3 loops for the accelerometer, and then stops outputting data. Adding some extra logging, I see that the `rslt` variable is -1 (`COINES_E_FAILURE`). The gyro keeps outputting data just fine. Can anyone help? Thank you in advance.
01-30-2023 06:42 AM
Hi plasota,
What function do you want to achieve?
If you would like to read accel, gyro data, you could refer this example code https://github.com/boschsensortec/BMI08x-Sensor-API/tree/master/examples/read_synchronized_data_mcu
02-04-2023 04:51 AM
It turned out to be a fimrware issue. I updated the firmware on the app3.0 by running `update_dd_fw.bat` in the `COINES\v2.7.0\firmware\app3.0` directory, and this fixed the issue. I was trying to achieve continuous reading from the IMU, as opposed to reading just one set of readings like in the example I linked.
02-06-2023 09:17 AM
Good news, plasota.