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    Altimeter sesnor for IP67 rated product

    Altimeter sesnor for IP67 rated product

    New Poster



    We are looking for a sensor solution to measure the altimeter and Compass for our IP67 rated product which will be installed in poles or towers.


    Please let us know if we have any solution for altimeter and compass from Bosch-Sensortec

    5 REPLIES 5

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator


    Thanks for your inquiry.

    You may consider BMP585 waterproof presure sensor at


    Thanks for your suggestion. As mentioend earlier our IP67 rated product, please help to clarify the following query.

    1) Do we need to expose any region of the BMP585 sensor to the external ambient environment / pressure condition to accurately measure the altitude?

    2) Can we mount it on our main board and measure the altitude without exposing the sensor to external ambient environment? How does this affect the accuracy in athe altimeter reading?

    3) Does this sensor requires any calibration for accurately measuring the altitude?

    4) Do we have any software algorithm which will help to calculate the altimeter? 


    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator


    Please see my answers below.

    1) Yes, BMP585 needs to be exposed to external ambient environment in order to make pressure measurement.

    2) If you want to use pressure sensor in the enclosure without exposing the sensor to outside, then you can use BMP581. There must be some ventilation hole on your enclosure for BMP581 to make measurements. You may attach a Gore membrane to cover the vent hole on the enclosure. 

    3) yes, BMP581 or BMP585 needs to be calibrated in the production line after your product is fully assembled to remove the offset.

    4) You can refer to for the formula.



    Do we have any e-Compass solution (6 axis or 9 axis Sensor) which can be used in our IP67 rated metal enclosure device. 
