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    Application board 2.0 rs232 communication

    Application board 2.0 rs232 communication



    I'm trying to use the rs232 communication instead of the USB on the Application board 2.0 with the BMP388 shuttle board.

    There is two rs232 on the board, one for the debug and one for the communication (on the 36 pins connector). I already tried several configurations for  the power supply (jumper and power switch, with external alimentation or via USB). 

    Is there a specific configuration for the rs232 communication ? (i followed the datasheet).

    Thank you in advance


    board :

    Datasheet :

    6 REPLIES 6

    The RS232 port is only for debugging purposes, if you reprogram the device using the JTAG port.

    The firmware that is pre-loaded on the board uses USB to communicate with COINES or Development Desktop 2.0

    The User Manual says that i can use a COM interface with the RS232 or Bluetooth.

    I tried to use it with the Rx and Tx (with a usb converter) on J106, however it didn't worked while it works with the USB. So i guess there is something i'm missing since there is 2 rs232 on the board, one for debug and one for an alternative way to connect the board.

    Is there a specific firmware to use the J106 rs232 instead of the USB ?


    User Manual (p19) :



    Did it work with pin 1&2 of J601 ?

    No it didn't worked, is there a specific jumper configuration ? Does the COM requires a specific way to power the device ? (I haven't tried using a battery, i tried External 3V3 and Usb maybe the rs232 needs 5V)

    Thank you for your quick answer
