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    Axis remapping of IMU (BNO055) for Arduino (C++)

    Axis remapping of IMU (BNO055) for Arduino (C++)


    Hello community,

    i would like to remap my axis for the given position of my sensor. Now i looked through the datasheet, where it tells my the remap sign and stuff. But i am not sure what kind of code i need to make this happen  in the Arduino IDE.  (page 27)

    I know i need to be in the CONFIG mode to remap the axis, this i can achieve by:


    Now i am just missing the command for the axis remapping.

    If you know how to do this please let me know 🙂

    Have a good day



    11 REPLIES 11


    Did you already tried the things I've mentioned in my post?

    Best regards

    Ok I tried what your suggested, then realized I'm using the Adafruit library so now I'm back to square one.  Any suggestions for the Adafruit library?
