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    BHI160B Header Files Errors

    BHI160B Header Files Errors

    Established Member

    Hello Team,

    I have started a new Project to read Sensordata from the BHI160b. I'm using NUCLEO-L053R8 Eval Board which i will use to read out the sensordata. I started to follow the driver Porting guide to adapt the Functions to my Platform. After creating new Project with my STM32 init code and also included the BHY MCU driver. I got below errors 

    #include "FreeRTOS.h"
    #include "task.h"

    At the beginning i removed the lines in the file bhy_support.c
    After that i tried build the target Files then i found an errors:

    #include "asf.h"
    #include "task.h"
    #include "arm_math.h"
    #include "demo-tasks.h" 
    What do these header files do and where can i found them to build my project.? Are these files mandatory ?

    When i remove above header files then I found another error regarding twi.h file as below

    ..\Drivers\BHI160b_driver\inc\BHy_support.h(59): error: #5: cannot open source input file "twi.h": No such file or directory

    Is twi.c & twi.h files required in my STM32 Project ? I tried by removing those and compiled again but this time i found a lot more errors ?
    Please refer Attached images and help me to resolve those errors.

    Can anyone tell me which files are required to compile project in STM32 Cube IDE ? 

    Any help would be very thankful

    5 REPLIES 5

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi vamshi,

    Attachment is BHI160B reference code on STM32 for your reference.

    Established Member

    Thank you for the reply @BSTRobin ,

    Is that project works on I2C only to read data from BHI160B ? Because I saw SPI and DMA also initialized in the provided ref code. Can you please describe me what are those for ?

    Any help would be very thankful. 


    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi vamshi,

    BHI160B only uses I2C.

    Reference code had SPI associated code, but BHI160B didn't use it.

    Established Member

    Thank you for the reply @BSTRobin ,

    I will Test and Let you know for further info.

    Thank you,
