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    BHI160B IMU Yaw drift issue

    BHI160B IMU Yaw drift issue

    New Poster

    Dear Team,

    We are currently working with the BHI160B Bosch IMU sensor on an MAX Evaluation board. We have successfully read the Quaternions and calculated Roll-Pitch-Yaw (RPY) angles using 9DOF and 6DOF. 

    However, we are encountering a Yaw drift issue with this IMU. Could an expert from Bosch provide assistance in resolving this technical challenge? or Could you provide the suggestions to overcome the Yaw drift issues in the BHI160B 

    Additionally, we are interested in exploring other IMU sensors that do not suffer from Yaw drift issues. If there is an alternative sensor that performs better than the BHI160B, we would be keen to adopt it.

    Your expert guidance would be greatly appreciated.

    Best regards,

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