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    [BHI260AB] Kernel version mismatch

    [BHI260AB] Kernel version mismatch

    Occasional Visitor


    My development envirionment is as follows.
    1. Hardware
    - BHI260AB Shuttle Board
    - Level-shifter Board
    - Application Board
    - STM32F746 over SPI
    2. Software
    - DD(Development Desktop) 2.0

    First, I downloaded the fw file(Bosch_SHUTTLE_BHI260_BMM150.fw) using the Bosch board
    and checked the kernel version and user version using the DD 2.0 program. ( -> 0x1635, 0x1635 )

    Second, I downloaded the fw file(Bosch_SHUTTLE_BHI260_BMM150.fw.h) using the STM32F746 over SPI
    and checked the kernel version and user version. ( 0x16FE, 0x0021 )

    When I read the chip id or set/get the parameter, it seems to be normal.
    So I think that SPI communication is normal. And the value of Boot Status is 0x38.(Verification done)

    The execution process is as follows.
    1) Write 0x80 to the Host Interface Control register(0x06)
    2) Upload to Program RAM (the fw file(Bosch_SHUTTLE_BHI260_BMM150.fw.h))
    3) Boot Program RAM
    4) Write 0x01 to the Chip Control register(0x05)
    5) Write 0xC0 to the Host Interface Control register(0x06)

    1) Are the contents of Bosch_SHUTTLE_BHI260_BMM150.fw and Bosch_SHUTTLE_BHI260_BMM150.fw.h the same?
    2) Or is the fw file upload abnormal?

    Please let me know asap.
    Best regards


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    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hello DavidLee,

    Bosch_SHUTTLE_BHI260_BMM150.fw and Bosch_SHUTTLE_BHI260_BMM150.fw.h in the package are the same. And the kernel version and user version are 0x16FE and 0x0021, both in fw and header file.
    With DD2.0 downloading the .fw, please check the version in register 0x20-0x21(Kernel version) and register 0x22-0x23(User version): Panels --> Binary view --> Register Map

    Register Map.png
