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    BHI260AP Flash issue

    BHI260AP Flash issue

    New Poster

    Hi, BOSCH

    1. There are two ways to download firmware from BHI260
         If you download it to Flash first, it works fine, but it doesn't work.Timeout error since booting_from_flash
         No matter how many times I read the register, it's not normal.

    2. Second, RAM downloads well, works well, and reads kernel versions well.
         What we expect from these problems is,
         The firmware download routine (because the RAM works well) does not appear to be problematic.
         There seems to be a problem with the contents written in the flash or a problem with the firmware applied to the flash.

    3. Third, if you look at the bhi260 datasheet, it says that when writing firmware on flash, you should write firmware on 0x1F84.
         Write the flash descriptor on the first sector of Flash and write it. The flash descriptor contains information about flash.
          It works without it, but if it doesn't, it only works in basic SPI mode (slow and working).
          If you apply the flash descriptor, QSPI, which is the maximum mode of operation, is available (because it is set to maximum operation).
          By the way, there is no mention of this in the relevant example in github. (on the code)

    4. The example and related sources you are using are being downloaded from and tested.

    5. For your information, we used load_firmware in the example folder.

    6.I understand files such as Euler and Quaternion among example files, but what does 'Klio' file mean?



    One more thing, if you look at all the applications in the example, after booting,

    As shown in , the contents of unconditionally erasing and writing flash are all the same.
    In general, I understand that writing on flash only needs to be done once.
    I don't understand why the example source is configured this way.

    Please, Check this issue
    1 REPLY 1

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi mgchoi,

    When you download firmware to Flash, what is your Flash model?

    When you download firmware to RAM, what is your hardware configuration (acc, gyro, mag), and which firmware do you use?

    After reset, you need to wait for the host interface to be ready before performing write operations, whether it is writing firmware to Flash or RAM.

    Klio is an example of self-learning and sensor API.
