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    BHI360 Secondary Interface with Other Sensors

    BHI360 Secondary Interface with Other Sensors

    New Poster


    We are evaluating the BHI360 for our application. We have a few questions around the BHI360's secondary master interfaces. 

    From what I understand, the BHI360 has secondary interfaces for the purpose of connecting other Bosch sensors, such as a BMM150 mag for example,

    1. Does this function similar to the BMI270, where sensor data from the external sensor can be placed into the BHI360's FIFO, in combination with the accel+gyro data internally, in order to properly synchronize sampling for something like 9DoF orientation etc.

    2. As the BHI360 is very programmable, how feasible is it to connect an SPI/I2C sensor from another vendor? On one of the secondary interfaces. And if so, is it possible to synchronize data from this sensor into the internal FIFO? 

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