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    BHI360 current consumption

    BHI360 current consumption

    New Poster


    we have a custom board including a BHI360 + BMM350 conntected to a MCU over I2C. (A BMP581 pressure sensor is connected independently to the same host I2C bus).
    The layout follows the example from the datasheet with the BMM350 attached as ext sensor with the JTAG_DIO connected to the INT pin of the BMM350.


    As BHI360 firmware the BHI360_BMM350C.fw.h firmware from the BHY2 driver is used.
    Question: Do we need an adjusted firmware to reach minimal current consumption for the layout outlined above?

    Measuring current consumption results in overall higher values compared to the one from the datahsheet:
    - Reference (1.8V voltage cutoff from all sensors): 610uA
    - BHI360 booted, all sensors powered down: 690uA
    - BHI360 w/ gyro 25hz active:  1.9mA
    - BHI360 w/ acc 25hz active:  1.6mA
    - BHI360 after enabling and disabling acc or gyro sensor again: 1.2mA (?)
    - BHI360 w/ any motion active (acc low power mode): 1.2mA

    Question:  How to reach the values from the datasheet (in particular, low power mode and suspend)? Why does the current consumption not go down to the suspend values when disabling all the sensors?

    Thank you & Best regards

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