06-26-2023 03:07 PM
I use BMA400 accelerometer's activity changed interrupt feature for my purposes. I have a question if it is possible to read out value named "last value" used in algorithm in activity changed interrupt section of BMA400's datasheet.
Thanks in advance
06-27-2023 06:36 PM
Just one note: if required, we are willing to sign an NDA to acquire this information. The 'last value' will be useful in easily determining whether the acceleration is increasing or decreasing.
Kind Regards,
06-28-2023 04:12 AM
Hi td-filip,
Do you mean you would like to obtain sensor data at the time of activity change interruption?
06-28-2023 10:31 AM
We would like to acquire value of `last value` register (if available), in theory we could download FIFO contents and make some computation on it, however solution will be way simpler and will have better energy efficiency if we take single value from the accelerometer.
07-03-2023 12:20 PM
Hello BSTRobin,
As krzysiek_tdp wrote, we would like to read value called "last value" mentioned in BMA400's datasheet in section "Activity changed interrupt" if it is possible.
Also, I would like to ask if I understand steps of activity changed interrupt correctly. Is "Update / store the activity parameters: curr_value => last_value" step executed every observation period or is last_value updated only after detecting an activity change?