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    BMA456: Is there anyway to adjust the sensitivity on the activity type?

    BMA456: Is there anyway to adjust the sensitivity on the activity type?

    New Poster

    Is there anyway to adjust the sensitivity on the activity type?  I ask because we are already adjusting the step sensitivity and we are concerned about the impact on the activity type detection.


    3 REPLIES 3

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hello GPC,

    There was a reference to modify step counter sensitivity.

    struct bma456_stepcounter_settings setting;
    int8_t bma456_stepcounter_get_parameter(&setting, dev);
    setting.param5 = 4;//Can be changed from 4~10. 10: most robust; 4: most sensitive but quite easy for fake detection
    setting.param13 = ;//1: less fake detection, and more robust; 0: more fake detection, and more sensitive
    int8_t bma456_stepcounter_set_parameter(&setting, dev);


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    Yes, I understand there is a parameter to adjust the step counter sensitivity.  I am asking if there is a parameter to adjust the sensitivity of the activity type (still, walking, running, unknown)(register 0x27) since we have experienced some strange behavior (ie: greater than zero step count while the activity type reports still).

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hello GPC,

    There was no parameter to adjust the sensitivity of the activity type (still, walking, running, unknown).
