04-14-2021 06:23 AM
Is there anyway to adjust the sensitivity on the activity type? I ask because we are already adjusting the step sensitivity and we are concerned about the impact on the activity type detection.
04-14-2021 08:06 AM
Hello GPC,
There was a reference to modify step counter sensitivity.
struct bma456_stepcounter_settings setting;
int8_t bma456_stepcounter_get_parameter(&setting, dev);
setting.param5 = 4;//Can be changed from 4~10. 10: most robust; 4: most sensitive but quite easy for fake detection
setting.param13 = ;//1: less fake detection, and more robust; 0: more fake detection, and more sensitive
int8_t bma456_stepcounter_set_parameter(&setting, dev);
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04-14-2021 04:42 PM
Yes, I understand there is a parameter to adjust the step counter sensitivity. I am asking if there is a parameter to adjust the sensitivity of the activity type (still, walking, running, unknown)(register 0x27) since we have experienced some strange behavior (ie: greater than zero step count while the activity type reports still).
05-18-2021 10:45 AM
Hello GPC,
There was no parameter to adjust the sensitivity of the activity type (still, walking, running, unknown).