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    BMA456 any-/no-motion interrupt does not occur

    BMA456 any-/no-motion interrupt does not occur


    Hi there,


    I have got a custom made board equiped with BMA456 sensor.

    Following guide found on github I could bring the sensor up over I2C interface:;

    My issue is that having basic communication working, no (any-/no-motions) interrupts are generated by sensor IC.

    Both interrupt status register 0 & 1 stay zero all ther time regardless how threshold and duration are set up.

    I wonder what could be the reason for missing interrupts.

    Here is the code snippet used to initialise and test the interrupt generation.

    I attached also the traces obtained during one of the test runs.

    Is anything that I am doing wrong there?



    uint16_t BMA456::sensor_bma456_init(void)
        uint16_t rslt = BMA4_OK;
        this->m_AccelDev.dev_addr       = BMA4_I2C_ADDR_SECONDARY;
        this->m_AccelDev.interface      = BMA4_I2C_INTERFACE;
        this->m_AccelDev.bus_read       = &BMA456::bma4_read_wrapper;
        this->m_AccelDev.bus_write      = &BMA456::bma4_write_wrapper;
        this->m_AccelDev.delay          = &BMA456::bma4_udelay;
        this->m_AccelDev.read_write_len = 8;
        this->m_AccelDev.resolution     = 12;
        this->m_AccelDev.feature_len    = BMA456_FEATURE_SIZE;
        /* a. Reading the chip id. */
        rslt |= bma456_init(&this->m_AccelDev);
        /* b. Performing initialisation sequence.
           c. Checking the correct status of the initialisation sequence.
        rslt |= bma456_write_config_file(&this->m_AccelDev);
    #if 0
        uint8_t cmd = 0xB6;
        bma4_set_command_register(&cmd, &this->m_AccelDev); // reset device
        osDelay(1); // wait for POR finish
        rslt |= bma4_set_accel_enable(BMA4_ENABLE, &this->m_AccelDev);
        rslt |= bma456_write_config_file(&this->m_AccelDev);
            uint16_t int_status = 0u;
            uint16_t rc = BMA4_OK;
            rc |= bma4_read_int_status(&int_status, &this->m_AccelDev);
            /* Declare a no/any-motion interrupt configuration structure */
            bma456_any_no_mot_config any_mot_confg;
            bma456_any_no_mot_config no_mot_confg;
            rc |= bma456_get_any_mot_config(&any_mot_confg, &this->m_AccelDev);
            if (!rc) {
                printf("\n=== Get any-motion configuration successful === \n");
                printf("axis_en = %x\n", any_mot_confg.axes_en);
                printf("duration = %x\n", any_mot_confg.duration);
                printf("threshold = %x\n", any_mot_confg.threshold);
            rc |= bma456_get_no_mot_config(&no_mot_confg, &this->m_AccelDev);
            if (!rc) {
                printf("\n=== Get no-motion configuration successful === \n");
                printf("axis_en = %x\n", no_mot_confg.axes_en);
                printf("duration = %x\n", no_mot_confg.duration);
                printf("threshold = %x\n", no_mot_confg.threshold);
            any_mot_confg.axes_en = BMA456_EN_ALL_AXIS;
            any_mot_confg.duration = 5u; /* 5 * 20 ms = 100 ms */
            any_mot_confg.threshold = (0xCC); /* 5.11 G, 100 mg */
            no_mot_confg.axes_en = BMA456_EN_ALL_AXIS;
            no_mot_confg.duration = 5u; /* 5 * 20 ms = 100 ms */
            no_mot_confg.threshold = (0xCC); /* 5.11 G, 100 mg */
            rc |= bma456_set_any_mot_config(&any_mot_confg, &this->m_AccelDev);
            if (!rc) {
                printf("\n=== Set any-motion configuration successful === \n");
                printf("axis_en = %x\n", any_mot_confg.axes_en);
                printf("duration = %x\n", any_mot_confg.duration);
                printf("threshold = %x\n", any_mot_confg.threshold);
            rc |= bma456_set_no_mot_config(&no_mot_confg, &this->m_AccelDev);
            if (!rc) {
                printf("\n=== Set no-motion configuration successful === \n");
                printf("axis_en = %x\n", no_mot_confg.axes_en);
                printf("duration = %x\n", no_mot_confg.duration);
                printf("threshold = %x\n", no_mot_confg.threshold);
                struct bma4_int_pin_config int_config;
                /* Configure INT1 pin */
                int_config.edge_ctrl = BMA4_LEVEL_TRIGGER;
                int_config.lvl = BMA4_ACTIVE_LOW;
                int_config.od = BMA4_PUSH_PULL;
                int_config.output_en = BMA4_OUTPUT_ENABLE;
                int_config.input_en = BMA4_INPUT_DISABLE;
                rc |= bma4_set_int_pin_config(&int_config, BMA4_INTR1_MAP, &this->m_AccelDev);
            rc |= bma456_map_interrupt(BMA4_INTR1_MAP, BMA456_ANY_MOT_INT, BMA4_ENABLE, &this->m_AccelDev);
            rc |= bma456_map_interrupt(BMA4_INTR2_MAP, BMA456_NO_MOT_INT, BMA4_ENABLE, &this->m_AccelDev);
                volatile bool trap = true;
                printf("Shake the sensor in any direction\n");
                while (trap) {
                    /* Read the interrupt status */
                    rc |= bma4_read_int_status(&int_status, &this->m_AccelDev);
                    if (rslt == BMA4_OK) {
                        /* check if any/no motion interrupt is triggered */
                        if (int_status) {
                            printf("Any-/No-Motion interrupt occurred := %lu\n", int_status);
                        else {
                            bma4_accel sens_data;
                            rc |= bma4_read_accel_xyz(&sens_data, &this->m_AccelDev);
                            printf("X := %i, Y := %i, Z := %i\n", sens_data.x, sens_data.y, sens_data.z);
                    int_status = 0;
        return rslt;



    2 REPLIES 2


    I found what was missing!

    It seems to be that "soft-reset" command is doing a bit more, than simple reset.

    Issuing soft-reset at the place where that code was remmed out by preprocessor directive made my day.

    Occasional Contributor

    Thanks for your attention on our products and glad to hear you solve the problem.If still have questions,please come to community and contact us.
