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    BME680 BSEC for Raspberry Pi Bare Metal

    BME680 BSEC for Raspberry Pi Bare Metal

    New Poster


    I am a university student in an area of the US that has been affected by intense smoke during the wildfires this year and we are trying to create an environmental monitor based on the BME680 for our embedded systems course. Our requirements are to implement this on a Raspberry Pi Model A+ (an ARM1176JFZ-S processor which is based on the ARMv6) using bare-metal programming. My current cross-compilation toolchain is using arm-none-eabi-gcc version 4.9.3. Would it be possible to get a static library file for BSEC  compiled with arm-none-eabi-gcc? Also, I could use pointers on whether the Lite or normal version is more appropriate for just getting the AQI index in integer mode. 

    Thank you for the help!


    4 REPLIES 4

    Occasional Contributor

    Hi KevinOran:

    Could you offer your platform information compiling informaiton?

    Please see the follow picture, and fill out this checklist.Capture.PNG

    According to these information,  the related lib file can be compiled.





    Hi Jet,

    Thank you for your response. Here is my information:

    ItemMy Info
    BSEC VersionBSEC
    Compilerarm-none-eabi-gcc - version 4.9.3
    Compiling Command: (provided for the bme680 driver)arm-none-eabi-gcc -Iinclude -I<includepath> -Og -g -Wall -std=c99 -ffreestanding -Isrc/lib/bme680_driver -mapcs-frame -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mpoke-function-name -Wpointer-arith -c src/lib/bme680_driver/bme680.c -o build/obj/bme680.o
    Linking Flags:
    LDFLAGS = -nostdlib -T src/boot/memmap -L<our lib directory>
    MCU Type Raspberry Pi A+: Broadcom BCM2835 chip, with an ARM1176JFZ-S processor based on the ARMv6 architecture. 

    Of note is that our project doesn't have stdlib, but we can look at including implementations of what is needed by llibalgobsec.a. Thanks again for your help. 


    Occasional Contributor

    Hi Sir:

        I applied for the new BESC lib you need, if available, I will share it to you.Please be patient, thank you.



    Occasional Contributor

    Hi Sir:

        I check the generic release besc lib, BSEC_1.4.7.4_Generic_Release, RaspberryPI option is available, include PiThree_ArmV8-a-64bits and PiZero_ArmV6-32bits.

       Did you try them on your platform?

      Look forward to your feedback.

