03-24-2022 07:27 AM
Hello Everyone , I am conducting some tests on the BME680 sensors and their respose to the enviroment, So for the test purpose I have placed two of the sensor exactly on the same location , and others are placed at some distance from them, I have let the sensors to run for 3 days,after three days , I have burnt some plastic material, in order to create smoky enviroment, the enviromentwas quite smoky,
What I found some strange things , the two sensors placed next to each other performs differently , Which I will show you on the graph , The two sensors placed almostly on the same location , then it should responeded to the enviroment in exactly the same way, but from the graph it behaves differently I just want to know the reason why this different behaviour is shown by the sensor that are placed exactly on the same location.
Note: I am using BSEC Library , and the sensors are operating in LP Mode, IAQ Configuration is : generic_33v_300s_4d, but because I am using LP mode of the sensor , the interval between readings is : 3 Seconds.
Two sensor placed next to each other , marked with white Color pencile, The shape of the graph are different
As you can see the sensor marked with white colour , are placed next to each other , but the graph shows different behaviour, This should be of same shape.
NOTE: This is the Static IAQ values reporting by the sensors.
Any help in regarding this will much be appreciated Thanks.
03-24-2022 08:03 AM
Hi msalmankhan,
We see that the same topic has been created. https://community.bosch-sensortec.com/t5/MEMS-sensors-forum/Multiple-BME680-Sensor-Mounted-On-Same-L...
Try to discuss it in one topic.