05-24-2022 11:27 AM
How to convert ADC data to 'real' values? for example: Temperature ADC value = 492590. Default device params: par_t1 = 0, par_t2 = 26559, par_t3 = 3.
Using both integer and float API 'calc_temperature()'. 'calc_temp' = 15609. There is no explanation of the equations used by the API.
Are we expected to apply our own temperature calibration on the output of 'calc_temperature()'?
Thanks, Phil
05-24-2022 06:15 PM
Hi phil-by-sea,
The temperature value conversion is completed in the sensor API. Do you have any problems using it?
06-16-2022 03:01 PM
Hi Robin,
My bad - I didn't spot that the calibration coefficients were not contiguous - so some of my coeffients were garbage!
The readings are sensible now - thanks
06-28-2022 11:46 AM
Hi phil-by-sea,
Welcome. Feel free to give your feedback when you use Bosch sensortec products.
06-28-2022 12:06 PM