03-07-2022 05:00 PM
After digging through this forum I have some understanding of different air-qualiy-related values measured by BME680, but I'd like to confirm couple of things
We are planning to install BME680 sensors in multiple rooms (living spaces, occupied by people, not industrial) to gather continous data on their air quality. Since it will be rather static environment, we'll use sIAQ. As I understand, this way we'll see which room requires ventilation at the moment. However, if we'd like to compare rooms we'l have problem as all rooms after good ventilation should indicate 25, no matter if their furnishings emit hight VOCs or not.
One way to solve it, would be to calibrate the sensors in one place, but after some time they will re-calibrate to new environment anyway. However, we control the persistance of sensor's state (state_load/state_save). So here are my questions:
Thanks for explanations
03-10-2022 04:23 AM
Hello KarolGro,
Sorry, there's nothing else at the moment.