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    BME680 on ESP8266 IAQ, CO2, ... do not change

    BME680 on ESP8266 IAQ, CO2, ... do not change



    I use a  Wemos D1 ESP8266 Board with a BME680 connected to I2C , BSEC libary installed and adjustments done as decribed in the Github pages ( and using the "basic" example from there. Temp., humidity, pressure look OK, but all other values do not change since 9 days (IAC =25, Accuracy=0, CO2 = 500, VOC = 0.5).

    Edit: Gas resitance changes, esp. when I breath on it, so Iassume the sensor works, but caclulation of the values not.

    I've tested three versions of the BSEC library, but no change (1.2.1474, 1.4.703,

    I'm using Arduino IDE 1.8.13, includes are: bsec.h (as per example provided)

    Any ideas?



    18 REPLIES 18

    Established Member

    I'm a newbie in arduino, after a code review the value of iaq accuracy goes to 1 after 100 reads (I had to disable the light sleep).
    The problem is that after more than 12 hours of operation the value remains stationary at 1 and the value of the iaq is very high (more than 200) while the value of the static iaq is still at 65. How many hours does it take for the value of iaq accuracy to reach 3?

    Thank you

    This is my actual sketch:

    #include <Arduino.h>
    #include <ArduinoJson.h>
    #include <UniversalTelegramBot.h>
    #include "bsec.h"
    #include <PubSubClient.h>
    #include <WiFiClientSecure.h>
    #include <WiFiManager.h>

    const uint8_t bsec_config_iaq[] = {
    #include "config/generic_33v_3s_4d/bsec_iaq.txt"

    #define uS_TO_S_FACTOR 10000 /* Conversion factor for micro seconds to seconds */
    #define TIME_TO_SLEEP 20 /* Time ESP32 will go to sleep (in seconds) */
    #define MSG_BUFFER_SIZE (50)

    //define your default values here, if there are different values in config.json, they are overwritten.
    char mqtt_server[40];
    char mqtt_port[6];
    char bot_token[150];
    char telegram_chat_id[40];
    char send_telegram_notification[5];
    char read_value_delay_in_minutes[3];
    char mqtt_user[30];
    char mqtt_pwd[50];
    char *mqttUser;
    char *mqttPwd;

    WiFiClientSecure espclientSecure;
    WiFiClient espClient;
    PubSubClient client(espClient);
    unsigned long lastMsg = 0;

    char msg[MSG_BUFFER_SIZE];
    int value = 0;
    String output;

    StaticJsonDocument<800> jsonDocument;
    char buffer[800];

    UniversalTelegramBot bot(bot_token, espclientSecure);
    // Helper functions declarations
    void checkIaqSensorStatus(void);
    void errLeds(void);

    // Create an object of the class Bsec
    Bsec iaqSensor;

    int i;

    void connectToWiFi() {
    Serial.print("Connecting to WIFI ");

    while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
    if ( i == 15 ){ WiFi.reconnect();}
    if (i > 30){
    delay(500); i++;
    Serial.print("Connected. IP: ");


    void setupWifiManagerAP(){
    // The extra parameters to be configured (can be either global or just in the setup)
    // After connecting, parameter.getValue() will get you the configured value
    // id/name placeholder/prompt default length
    WiFiManagerParameter custom_mqtt_server("server", "MQTT SERVER IP", mqtt_server, 40);
    WiFiManagerParameter custom_mqtt_port("port", "MQTT SERVER PORT", mqtt_port, 6);
    WiFiManagerParameter custom_mqtt_user("mqtt_user", "MQTT USER", mqtt_user, 30);
    WiFiManagerParameter custom_mqtt_pwd("mqtt_pwd", "MQTT PWD", mqtt_pwd, 50);
    WiFiManagerParameter custom_bot_token("telegram_bot_token", "Telegram Bot Token", bot_token, 150);
    WiFiManagerParameter custom_telegram_chat_id("telegram_chat_id", "Telegram Chat ID", telegram_chat_id, 40);
    WiFiManagerParameter custom_send_telegram_notification("send_telegram_notification", "Send telegram notification (true/false)", send_telegram_notification, 5);
    WiFiManagerParameter custom_read_value_delay_in_minutes("read_value_delay_in_minutes", "Read Value Delay in Minutes", read_value_delay_in_minutes, 3);

    WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); // explicitly set mode, esp defaults to STA+AP

    // WiFi.mode(WiFi_STA); // it is a good practice to make sure your code sets wifi mode how you want it.

    //WiFiManager, Local intialization. Once its business is done, there is no need to keep it around
    WiFiManager wm;

    //reset settings - wipe credentials for testing

    //add all your parameters here

    // Automatically connect using saved credentials,
    // if connection fails, it starts an access point with the specified name ( "AutoConnectAP"),
    // if empty will auto generate SSID, if password is blank it will be anonymous AP (wm.autoConnect())
    // then goes into a blocking loop awaiting configuration and will return success result

    bool res;
    res = wm.autoConnect("TemperaturinoAPConfig","XXXXXX"); // password protected ap

    if(!res) {
    Serial.println("Failed to connect");
    // ESP.restart();
    }else {
    //if you get here you have connected to the WiFi
    //read updated parameters
    strcpy(mqtt_server, custom_mqtt_server.getValue());
    strcpy(mqtt_port, custom_mqtt_port.getValue());
    strcpy(mqtt_user, custom_mqtt_user.getValue());
    strcpy(mqtt_pwd, custom_mqtt_pwd.getValue());
    strcpy(bot_token, custom_bot_token.getValue());
    strcpy(telegram_chat_id, custom_telegram_chat_id.getValue());
    strcpy(send_telegram_notification, custom_send_telegram_notification.getValue());
    strcpy(read_value_delay_in_minutes, custom_read_value_delay_in_minutes.getValue());

    Serial.print(F("server --> "));
    Serial.print(F("port --> "));
    Serial.print(F("mqtt_user --> "));
    Serial.print(F("mqtt_pwd --> "));
    Serial.print(F("bot_token --> "));
    Serial.print(F("telegram_chat_id --> "));
    Serial.print(F("send_telegram_notification --> "));
    Serial.print(F("read_value_delay_in_minutes --> "));


    void setupBME680(){
    // Sensor setup
    iaqSensor.begin(BME680_I2C_ADDR_SECONDARY, Wire);
    bsec_virtual_sensor_t sensorList[10] = {

    iaqSensor.updateSubscription(sensorList, 10, BSEC_SAMPLE_RATE_LP);


    void setup() {
    #ifdef ESP8266

    mqttUser = mqtt_user;
    mqttPwd = mqtt_pwd;
    client.setServer(mqtt_server, atoi(mqtt_port));


    void loop() {

    unsigned long now = millis();
    String delayString = String(read_value_delay_in_minutes);
    int delayValue = delayString.toInt();

    if (now - lastMsg >(delayValue * uS_TO_S_FACTOR)) {

    lastMsg = now;
    snprintf (msg, MSG_BUFFER_SIZE, "Nuovi dati letti, count: #%ld", value);
    Serial.print("Publish message: ");
    if (!client.connected()) {

    if ( {
    /*output = String(now);
    output += ", " + String(iaqSensor.rawTemperature);
    output += ", " + String(iaqSensor.pressure);
    output += ", " + String(iaqSensor.rawHumidity);
    output += ", " + String(iaqSensor.gasResistance);
    output += ", " + String(iaqSensor.iaq);
    output += ", " + String(iaqSensor.iaqAccuracy);
    output += ", " + String(iaqSensor.temperature);
    output += ", " + String(iaqSensor.humidity);
    output += ", " + String(iaqSensor.staticIaq);
    output += ", " + String(iaqSensor.co2Equivalent);
    output += ", " + String(iaqSensor.breathVocEquivalent);
    setJsonValues(iaqSensor.temperature, iaqSensor.humidity, iaqSensor.gasResistance, iaqSensor.pressure, iaqSensor.iaq,iaqSensor.iaqAccuracy, iaqSensor.staticIaq, iaqSensor.co2Equivalent, iaqSensor.breathVocEquivalent);
    size_t n = serializeJson(jsonDocument, buffer);
    client.publish("esp32/cameretta/sensor", buffer, n);
    String messageIaqAccuracy = "IaqAccuracy:"+(String)iaqSensor.iaqAccuracy;

    // Helper function definitions
    void checkIaqSensorStatus(void)
    if (iaqSensor.status != BSEC_OK) {
    if (iaqSensor.status < BSEC_OK) {
    output = "BSEC error code : " + String(iaqSensor.status);

    for (;;)
    errLeds(); /* Halt in case of failure */
    } else {
    output = "BSEC warning code : " + String(iaqSensor.status);

    if (iaqSensor.bme680Status != BME680_OK) {
    if (iaqSensor.bme680Status < BME680_OK) {
    output = "BME680 error code : " + String(iaqSensor.bme680Status);
    for (;;)
    errLeds(); /* Halt in case of failure */
    } else {
    output = "BME680 warning code : " + String(iaqSensor.bme680Status);

    void reconnect() {
    // Loop until we're reconnected
    while (!client.connected()) {
    Serial.print("Attempting MQTT connection...");
    // Create a random client ID
    String clientId = "ESP32-";
    clientId += String(random(0xffff), HEX);
    if(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED){
    // Attempt to connect
    client.connect(clientId.c_str(),mqttUser, mqttPwd);
    if (client.connected()) {
    } else {
    Serial.print("failed, rc=");
    Serial.println(" try again in 5 seconds");
    String errorConnectMqtt = "failed to connect to MQTT Server try again in 5 seconds";
    // Wait 5 seconds before retrying

    void sendTelegramMessage(String message){
    if (String(send_telegram_notification) =="true"){
    bot.sendMessage(telegram_chat_id, message, "");

    void add_json_object(char *tag, float value, char *unit) {
    JsonObject obj = jsonDocument.createNestedObject();
    obj["type"] = tag;
    obj["value"] = value;
    obj["unit"] = unit;

    void setJsonValues(float temperature, float humidity, float gasResistance, float pressure, float iaq, int iaqAccuracy, int staticIaq, float co2Equivalent, float breathVocEquivalent ) {
    add_json_object("temperature", temperature, "°C");
    add_json_object("humidity", humidity, "%");
    add_json_object("gas", gasResistance, "ohm");
    add_json_object("pressure", pressure, "mBar");
    add_json_object("iaq", iaq, "IAQ");
    add_json_object("iaqAccuracy", iaqAccuracy, "IAQ");
    add_json_object("staticIaq", staticIaq, "IAQ");
    add_json_object("co2Equivalent", co2Equivalent, "ppm");
    add_json_object("breathVocEquivalent", breathVocEquivalent, "ppm");


    void errLeds(void)
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);


    Hi Jordan982,

    what worked for me: I've used the examples provided with the BME680 library. You can access them in Adruinoe IDE - File - Examples - BSEC Software Library. For me the basic_config_state example worked, i.e. after running this sketch for approx. 5 minutes the calculated values (IAQ, ...) changed. After that I used "enriched" the sketch with my own code (MQTT, etc. ).

    It is important to notice, that the sensor needs to keep on measuring, i.e. I just send/request the actual values when I require them (every 15 mins), but let the sensor keep on measuring in between. It seems, that it requires approx. 5 mins of constant measuring (every 2-3 secs, as per sketch) to heat up and calibrate properly. This has to be done ervery time you power on the sensor unfortunately. Therefore I've conected the ESP8266 to a small power bank, so it can calibrate properly outdoors and then can be used indoors. Please be aware that the Arduino/ESP heats up and may warm up the BME680 too, so they should not be very close each other. I'm still trying to see where exactly I can set a temerature offset - it is hidden deep in one of the libraries.

    Hope this helps



    Edit: included "not be"

    Established Member

     Hi Desh and thanks for the reply.

    My development started with the same examples you gave me. For clarity I add that using the example sketch after 5 minutes of reading I reach an iaq accuracy of 1, the problem is that after hours of operation the value does not increase.

    Today I will modify the code to allow continuous reading to the sensor, but sending the values ​​in mqtt only when necessary. Can I ask how long after you reach the iaq accuracy value 3?

    Yesterday (I also use a powerbank)I tried to perform the calibration outdoors, but I still couldn't reach the value of 3.

    To set the temperature offset you can use the following code snippet: iaqSensor.setTemperatureOffset(tempOffset);

    here you can find my project (d1 mini + bme680 + mqtt). Any suggestions are welcome.

    Thank you

    Established Member

    Here the new log, Could you explain me because the iaq accuracy value went from 0 to 1 (after 5 minutes) and then returns to 0 again and does not increase anymore?this problem is driving me crazy.


    TIME ,rawTemperature,pressure,rawHumidity,gasResistance,iaq,iaqAccuracy,temperature,humidity,staticIaq,co2Equivalent,breathVocEquivalent
    11:35:41.009 -> 69051, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 78108.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.03, 48.25, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:35:44.007 -> 72051, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 80733.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.01, 48.29, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:35:47.008 -> 75051, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 88371.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.07, 48.04, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:35:50.010 -> 78051, 0.00, 100334.00, 0.00, 94558.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.11, 47.86, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:35:53.011 -> 81051, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 102142.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.13, 47.72, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:35:56.013 -> 84051, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 107842.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.16, 47.58, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:35:59.018 -> 87051, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 113368.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.17, 47.49, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:36:02.023 -> 90051, 0.00, 100334.00, 0.00, 118231.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.18, 47.43, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:36:05.032 -> 93051, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 122362.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.19, 47.35, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:36:08.035 -> 96051, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 125000.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.20, 47.31, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:36:11.029 -> 99051, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 128046.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.21, 47.26, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:36:14.000 -> 102051, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 130633.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.22, 47.24, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:36:17.008 -> 105051, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 132070.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.22, 47.25, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:36:20.011 -> 108051, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 134608.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.23, 47.26, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:36:23.014 -> 111051, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 136354.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.24, 47.25, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:36:26.028 -> 114051, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 137469.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.24, 47.28, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:36:29.032 -> 117051, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 139061.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.25, 47.24, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:36:32.031 -> 120051, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 140338.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.25, 47.25, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:36:35.033 -> 123051, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 141519.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.25, 47.21, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:36:38.031 -> 126051, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 142238.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.26, 47.14, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:36:40.991 -> 129051, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 143451.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.26, 47.14, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:36:43.997 -> 132051, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 143943.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.26, 47.14, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:36:47.003 -> 135051, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 144686.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.26, 47.12, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:36:50.014 -> 138051, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 144811.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.27, 47.10, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:36:53.019 -> 141051, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 145942.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.26, 47.10, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:36:56.034 -> 144051, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 146450.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.27, 47.08, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:36:58.995 -> 147051, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 147091.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.27, 47.07, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:37:01.997 -> 150051, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 147737.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.28, 47.03, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:37:05.007 -> 153051, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 147867.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.27, 47.04, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:37:08.010 -> 156051, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 148783.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.29, 46.98, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:37:11.016 -> 159051, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 148652.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.29, 47.00, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:37:14.021 -> 162051, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 149844.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.28, 46.97, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:37:17.021 -> 165051, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 149577.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.29, 46.94, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:37:20.021 -> 168051, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 149978.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.29, 46.94, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:37:23.026 -> 171051, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 150515.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.30, 46.92, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:37:26.035 -> 174051, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 150785.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.29, 46.92, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:37:29.034 -> 177051, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 150920.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.29, 46.90, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:37:31.997 -> 180051, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 150246.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.29, 46.93, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:37:35.007 -> 183051, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 150920.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.30, 46.90, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:37:38.009 -> 186051, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 151601.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.30, 46.86, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:37:41.005 -> 189051, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 151056.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.31, 46.84, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:37:44.011 -> 192051, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 152149.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.30, 46.86, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:37:47.017 -> 195051, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 152702.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.30, 46.83, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:37:50.014 -> 198051, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 152564.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.30, 46.82, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:37:53.011 -> 201051, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 153259.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.30, 46.79, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:37:56.012 -> 204051, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 152980.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.30, 46.76, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:37:59.015 -> 207051, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 152841.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.29, 46.74, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:38:02.016 -> 210051, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 153259.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.29, 46.73, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:38:05.021 -> 213050, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 152980.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.29, 46.70, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:38:08.024 -> 216051, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 153679.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.29, 46.70, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:38:11.030 -> 219051, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 153820.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.30, 46.68, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:38:14.025 -> 222051, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 153679.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.29, 46.69, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:38:17.031 -> 225051, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 153539.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.29, 46.67, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:38:20.035 -> 228051, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 154102.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.30, 46.65, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:38:23.032 -> 231051, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 153679.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.29, 46.67, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:38:26.033 -> 234051, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.29, 46.67, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:38:29.031 -> 237051, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 154102.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.30, 46.65, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:38:32.034 -> 240051, 0.00, 100323.00, 0.00, 153539.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.30, 46.64, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:38:34.996 -> 243051, 0.00, 100323.00, 0.00, 154669.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.29, 46.68, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:38:37.997 -> 246051, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 154954.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.29, 46.67, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:38:40.996 -> 249051, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.29, 46.65, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:38:44.001 -> 252051, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.30, 46.63, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:38:46.998 -> 255051, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 155384.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.29, 46.64, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:38:50.003 -> 258051, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 155097.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.30, 46.63, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:38:53.001 -> 261051, 0.00, 100323.00, 0.00, 154954.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.30, 46.64, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:38:56.009 -> 264051, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 155097.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.30, 46.63, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:38:59.008 -> 267051, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 154527.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.30, 46.62, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:39:02.007 -> 270051, 0.00, 100321.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.30, 46.61, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:39:05.014 -> 273051, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 154385.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.30, 46.62, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:39:08.010 -> 276051, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 155671.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.31, 46.59, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:39:11.006 -> 279051, 0.00, 100323.00, 0.00, 155240.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.30, 46.62, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:39:14.008 -> 282052, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 155240.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.31, 46.57, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:39:17.018 -> 285051, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 155384.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.32, 46.56, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:39:20.014 -> 288051, 0.00, 100323.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.31, 46.59, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:39:23.020 -> 291051, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 155671.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.31, 46.56, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:39:26.023 -> 294051, 0.00, 100323.00, 0.00, 155097.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.32, 46.55, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:39:29.025 -> 297051, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.32, 46.54, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:39:32.032 -> 300050, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.32, 46.55, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:39:39.351 -> 307372, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 152425.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.30, 46.64, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:39:42.316 -> 310372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 153119.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.31, 46.62, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:39:45.320 -> 313372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 153961.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.30, 46.64, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:39:48.324 -> 316372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 154102.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.31, 46.62, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:39:51.336 -> 319372, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.31, 46.60, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:39:54.346 -> 322372, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 154385.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.31, 46.58, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:39:57.344 -> 325372, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 155097.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.31, 46.59, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:40:00.345 -> 328372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.32, 46.57, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:40:03.340 -> 331372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 154954.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.32, 46.58, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:40:06.347 -> 334372, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 155384.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.32, 46.59, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:40:09.351 -> 337372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 155240.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.32, 46.57, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:40:12.315 -> 340373, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 155097.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.32, 46.57, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:40:15.374 -> 343372, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 154954.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.33, 46.54, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:40:18.354 -> 346372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.33, 46.53, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:40:21.358 -> 349373, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 155671.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.32, 46.57, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:40:24.314 -> 352372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 155384.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.33, 46.54, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:40:27.357 -> 355372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.33, 46.53, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:40:30.314 -> 358372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.34, 46.53, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:40:33.315 -> 361372, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 155960.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.33, 46.57, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:40:36.324 -> 364372, 0.00, 100323.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.33, 46.55, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:40:39.324 -> 367372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 155960.00, 25.00, 0.00, 18.33, 46.55, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:40:42.333 -> 370372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 25.00, 1.00, 18.33, 46.56, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:40:45.330 -> 373372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 156105.00, 25.00, 1.00, 18.33, 46.54, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:40:48.338 -> 376372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 155240.00, 26.42, 1.00, 18.33, 46.56, 25.62, 502.49, 0.50
    11:40:51.346 -> 379372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 155960.00, 25.75, 1.00, 18.33, 46.56, 25.33, 501.31, 0.50
    11:40:54.354 -> 382372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 155240.00, 26.96, 1.00, 18.33, 46.55, 25.86, 503.42, 0.51
    11:40:57.352 -> 385372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 26.44, 1.00, 18.34, 46.53, 25.63, 502.52, 0.50
    11:41:00.313 -> 388372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 155960.00, 25.80, 1.00, 18.33, 46.53, 25.35, 501.40, 0.50
    11:41:03.314 -> 391372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 156105.00, 25.06, 1.00, 18.33, 46.51, 25.03, 500.11, 0.50
    11:41:06.314 -> 394372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 154669.00, 27.86, 1.00, 18.33, 46.53, 26.25, 505.00, 0.51
    11:41:09.324 -> 397372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 27.17, 1.00, 18.33, 46.51, 25.95, 503.80, 0.51
    11:41:12.325 -> 400372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 155960.00, 26.37, 1.00, 18.33, 46.51, 25.60, 502.40, 0.50
    11:41:15.337 -> 403372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 156105.00, 25.51, 1.00, 18.33, 46.51, 25.22, 500.88, 0.50
    11:41:18.347 -> 406372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 25.57, 1.00, 18.33, 46.53, 25.25, 500.99, 0.50
    11:41:21.331 -> 409372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 156105.00, 25.00, 1.00, 18.33, 46.53, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:41:24.344 -> 412372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 156250.00, 25.00, 1.00, 18.32, 46.56, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:41:27.347 -> 415372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156105.00, 25.00, 1.00, 18.33, 46.54, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:41:30.351 -> 418372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 156250.00, 25.00, 1.00, 18.32, 46.55, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:41:33.347 -> 421372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 156541.00, 25.00, 1.00, 18.33, 46.56, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:41:36.359 -> 424372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 155960.00, 25.69, 1.00, 18.32, 46.56, 25.30, 501.20, 0.50
    11:41:39.358 -> 427372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156250.00, 25.47, 1.00, 18.33, 46.55, 25.20, 500.81, 0.50
    11:41:42.314 -> 430372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156250.00, 25.34, 1.00, 18.33, 46.52, 25.15, 500.59, 0.50
    11:41:45.318 -> 433372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156395.00, 25.00, 1.00, 18.33, 46.52, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:41:48.320 -> 436372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 155960.00, 25.72, 1.00, 18.33, 46.52, 25.32, 501.27, 0.50
    11:41:51.336 -> 439372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 156105.00, 25.88, 1.00, 18.33, 46.54, 25.39, 501.54, 0.50
    11:41:54.340 -> 442372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156105.00, 26.02, 1.00, 18.33, 46.51, 25.45, 501.78, 0.50
    11:41:57.337 -> 445372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 156105.00, 26.12, 1.00, 18.33, 46.51, 25.49, 501.95, 0.50
    11:42:00.317 -> 448372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 27.50, 1.00, 18.34, 46.49, 26.09, 504.36, 0.51
    11:42:03.318 -> 451372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 156250.00, 26.81, 1.00, 18.33, 46.52, 25.79, 503.16, 0.51
    11:42:06.360 -> 454372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156250.00, 26.34, 1.00, 18.33, 46.53, 25.58, 502.33, 0.50
    11:42:09.318 -> 457372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 155671.00, 27.32, 1.00, 18.34, 46.50, 26.01, 504.06, 0.51
    11:42:12.322 -> 460372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 27.71, 1.00, 18.33, 46.51, 26.18, 504.73, 0.51
    11:42:15.329 -> 463372, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 156250.00, 26.97, 1.00, 18.34, 46.48, 25.86, 503.44, 0.51
    11:42:18.328 -> 466372, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 156541.00, 25.79, 1.00, 18.34, 46.48, 25.35, 501.38, 0.50
    11:42:21.336 -> 469372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156105.00, 26.02, 1.00, 18.33, 46.50, 25.44, 501.78, 0.50
    11:42:24.346 -> 472372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 156395.00, 25.49, 1.00, 18.34, 46.48, 25.22, 500.86, 0.50
    11:42:27.348 -> 475372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156395.00, 25.13, 1.00, 18.34, 46.49, 25.06, 500.23, 0.50
    11:42:30.350 -> 478372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156395.00, 25.00, 1.00, 18.34, 46.46, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:42:33.354 -> 481372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156105.00, 25.51, 1.00, 18.34, 46.47, 25.22, 500.90, 0.50
    11:42:36.316 -> 484372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156541.00, 25.00, 1.00, 18.34, 46.44, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:42:39.321 -> 487372, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 156687.00, 25.00, 1.00, 18.34, 46.44, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:42:42.329 -> 490374, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156395.00, 25.17, 1.00, 18.35, 46.39, 25.07, 500.30, 0.50
    11:42:45.329 -> 493372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156541.00, 25.01, 1.00, 18.34, 46.40, 25.00, 500.01, 0.50
    11:42:48.327 -> 496372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156541.00, 25.00, 1.00, 18.35, 46.35, 25.00, 500.00, 0.50
    11:42:51.324 -> 499372, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 156395.00, 25.31, 1.00, 18.34, 46.39, 25.14, 500.54, 0.50
    11:42:54.329 -> 502372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 26.87, 1.00, 18.34, 46.39, 25.82, 503.27, 0.51
    11:42:57.322 -> 505371, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156395.00, 26.66, 1.00, 18.34, 46.37, 25.72, 502.90, 0.51
    11:43:00.327 -> 508371, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 156541.00, 26.22, 1.00, 18.33, 46.39, 25.53, 502.14, 0.50
    11:43:03.329 -> 511371, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 155960.00, 27.30, 1.00, 18.33, 46.38, 26.00, 504.01, 0.51
    11:43:06.332 -> 514371, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156395.00, 27.02, 1.00, 18.34, 46.38, 25.88, 503.53, 0.51
    11:43:09.332 -> 517371, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 156250.00, 27.21, 1.00, 18.33, 46.39, 25.97, 503.87, 0.51
    11:43:12.333 -> 520371, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 156395.00, 27.02, 1.00, 18.33, 46.41, 25.88, 503.53, 0.51
    11:43:15.330 -> 523371, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 156105.00, 27.60, 1.00, 18.33, 46.38, 26.13, 504.54, 0.51
    11:43:18.334 -> 526372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 156687.00, 26.67, 1.00, 18.33, 46.39, 25.73, 502.92, 0.51
    11:43:21.333 -> 529372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156395.00, 26.72, 1.00, 18.33, 46.40, 25.75, 503.00, 0.51
    11:43:24.322 -> 532372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156395.00, 26.77, 1.00, 18.33, 46.39, 25.77, 503.10, 0.51
    11:43:27.323 -> 535372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156541.00, 26.50, 1.00, 18.33, 46.38, 25.65, 502.62, 0.50
    11:43:30.323 -> 538372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 156395.00, 26.67, 1.00, 18.33, 46.37, 25.73, 502.92, 0.51
    11:43:33.327 -> 541372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156687.00, 26.12, 1.00, 18.33, 46.39, 25.49, 501.96, 0.50
    11:43:36.332 -> 544372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156395.00, 26.42, 1.00, 18.33, 46.40, 25.62, 502.48, 0.50
    11:43:39.334 -> 547372, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 156105.00, 27.32, 1.00, 18.33, 46.39, 26.01, 504.05, 0.51
    11:43:42.335 -> 550372, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 156105.00, 27.96, 1.00, 18.33, 46.37, 26.29, 505.17, 0.51
    11:43:45.357 -> 553372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 155960.00, 28.76, 1.00, 18.33, 46.37, 26.64, 506.56, 0.51
    11:43:48.355 -> 556372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 29.67, 1.00, 18.33, 46.35, 27.04, 508.16, 0.52
    11:43:51.315 -> 559372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156105.00, 29.65, 1.00, 18.33, 46.35, 27.03, 508.13, 0.52
    11:43:54.323 -> 562372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156250.00, 29.31, 1.00, 18.34, 46.33, 26.88, 507.53, 0.51
    11:43:57.316 -> 565372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 30.11, 1.00, 18.33, 46.35, 27.23, 508.92, 0.52
    11:44:00.358 -> 568372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156250.00, 29.69, 1.00, 18.33, 46.34, 27.05, 508.19, 0.52
    11:44:03.317 -> 571372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156395.00, 29.06, 1.00, 18.33, 46.37, 26.77, 507.09, 0.51
    11:44:06.320 -> 574372, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 156105.00, 29.27, 1.00, 18.34, 46.35, 26.87, 507.47, 0.51
    11:44:09.317 -> 577372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156105.00, 29.45, 1.00, 18.33, 46.37, 26.95, 507.78, 0.51
    11:44:12.317 -> 580372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 30.23, 1.00, 18.33, 46.40, 27.29, 509.15, 0.52
    11:44:15.360 -> 583372, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 156541.00, 29.12, 1.00, 18.33, 46.39, 26.80, 507.19, 0.51
    11:44:18.354 -> 586372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156250.00, 29.01, 1.00, 18.33, 46.39, 26.75, 507.01, 0.51
    11:44:21.353 -> 589372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156250.00, 28.92, 1.00, 18.34, 46.38, 26.71, 506.85, 0.51
    11:44:24.354 -> 592372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 29.86, 1.00, 18.33, 46.42, 27.12, 508.50, 0.52
    11:44:27.353 -> 595372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 156395.00, 29.20, 1.00, 18.33, 46.39, 26.84, 507.34, 0.51
    11:44:30.356 -> 598372, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 155960.00, 29.76, 1.00, 18.33, 46.38, 27.08, 508.32, 0.52
    11:44:38.283 -> 606326, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 151328.00, 29.76, 0.00, 18.30, 46.51, 27.08, 508.32, 0.52
    11:44:41.282 -> 609326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 152287.00, 29.77, 0.00, 18.31, 46.48, 27.08, 508.33, 0.52
    11:44:44.288 -> 612326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 152980.00, 29.78, 0.00, 18.32, 46.44, 27.09, 508.35, 0.52
    11:44:47.283 -> 615326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 153961.00, 29.79, 0.00, 18.33, 46.41, 27.09, 508.38, 0.52
    11:44:50.282 -> 618326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 154102.00, 29.81, 0.00, 18.32, 46.42, 27.10, 508.40, 0.52
    11:44:53.308 -> 621326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 154669.00, 29.82, 0.00, 18.33, 46.38, 27.11, 508.42, 0.52
    11:44:56.302 -> 624326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 154527.00, 29.83, 0.00, 18.33, 46.40, 27.11, 508.45, 0.52
    11:44:59.298 -> 627326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 154954.00, 29.84, 0.00, 18.32, 46.39, 27.12, 508.47, 0.52
    11:45:02.291 -> 630326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 29.86, 0.00, 18.33, 46.38, 27.12, 508.49, 0.52
    11:45:05.296 -> 633326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 29.87, 0.00, 18.33, 46.38, 27.13, 508.52, 0.52
    11:45:08.290 -> 636326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 29.87, 0.00, 18.33, 46.39, 27.13, 508.51, 0.52
    11:45:11.289 -> 639326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 155097.00, 29.89, 0.00, 18.33, 46.41, 27.13, 508.54, 0.52
    11:45:14.296 -> 642326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 155384.00, 29.89, 0.00, 18.33, 46.40, 27.14, 508.55, 0.52
    11:45:17.298 -> 645326, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 29.89, 0.00, 18.34, 46.38, 27.14, 508.55, 0.52
    11:45:20.297 -> 648326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 155097.00, 29.92, 0.00, 18.33, 46.40, 27.15, 508.59, 0.52
    11:45:23.297 -> 651326, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 29.92, 0.00, 18.34, 46.38, 27.15, 508.59, 0.52
    11:45:26.310 -> 654326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 155097.00, 29.95, 0.00, 18.34, 46.38, 27.16, 508.65, 0.52
    11:45:29.306 -> 657326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 29.95, 0.00, 18.33, 46.38, 27.16, 508.66, 0.52
    11:45:32.305 -> 660326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 155384.00, 29.97, 0.00, 18.33, 46.37, 27.17, 508.69, 0.52
    11:45:35.312 -> 663327, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 29.98, 0.00, 18.33, 46.36, 27.17, 508.70, 0.52
    11:45:38.270 -> 666326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 29.96, 0.00, 18.34, 46.32, 27.17, 508.67, 0.52
    11:45:41.268 -> 669327, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 155671.00, 29.97, 0.00, 18.33, 46.35, 27.17, 508.68, 0.52
    11:45:44.276 -> 672326, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 29.96, 0.00, 18.34, 46.34, 27.17, 508.66, 0.52
    11:45:47.290 -> 675327, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 29.99, 0.00, 18.33, 46.35, 27.18, 508.72, 0.52
    11:45:50.295 -> 678326, 0.00, 100334.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 29.98, 0.00, 18.34, 46.35, 27.18, 508.71, 0.52
    11:45:53.296 -> 681326, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 155671.00, 30.00, 0.00, 18.33, 46.35, 27.19, 508.75, 0.52
    11:45:56.298 -> 684326, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 30.05, 0.00, 18.34, 46.35, 27.21, 508.82, 0.52
    11:45:59.299 -> 687326, 0.00, 100334.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 30.09, 0.00, 18.35, 46.33, 27.22, 508.89, 0.52
    11:46:02.307 -> 690326, 0.00, 100336.00, 0.00, 156105.00, 30.01, 0.00, 18.35, 46.34, 27.19, 508.76, 0.52
    11:46:05.268 -> 693326, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 155671.00, 30.05, 0.00, 18.34, 46.37, 27.20, 508.82, 0.52
    11:46:08.273 -> 696326, 0.00, 100336.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 30.05, 0.00, 18.34, 46.37, 27.20, 508.82, 0.52
    11:46:11.274 -> 699326, 0.00, 100336.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 30.05, 0.00, 18.35, 46.33, 27.21, 508.82, 0.52
    11:46:14.281 -> 702326, 0.00, 100334.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 30.13, 0.00, 18.35, 46.34, 27.24, 508.96, 0.52
    11:46:17.294 -> 705326, 0.00, 100334.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 30.12, 0.00, 18.35, 46.35, 27.23, 508.94, 0.52
    11:46:20.297 -> 708326, 0.00, 100334.00, 0.00, 155671.00, 30.15, 0.00, 18.34, 46.38, 27.25, 509.01, 0.52
    11:46:23.308 -> 711326, 0.00, 100334.00, 0.00, 155384.00, 30.28, 0.00, 18.35, 46.33, 27.31, 509.22, 0.52
    11:46:26.275 -> 714327, 0.00, 100334.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 30.24, 0.00, 18.34, 46.39, 27.29, 509.16, 0.52
    11:46:29.286 -> 717326, 0.00, 100334.00, 0.00, 155384.00, 30.36, 0.00, 18.35, 46.35, 27.34, 509.37, 0.52
    11:46:32.295 -> 720326, 0.00, 100338.00, 0.00, 155671.00, 30.36, 0.00, 18.35, 46.37, 27.34, 509.36, 0.52
    11:46:35.304 -> 723326, 0.00, 100334.00, 0.00, 155671.00, 30.37, 0.00, 18.34, 46.39, 27.34, 509.38, 0.52
    11:46:38.309 -> 726326, 0.00, 100334.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 30.32, 0.00, 18.34, 46.40, 27.32, 509.30, 0.52
    11:46:41.268 -> 729326, 0.00, 100334.00, 0.00, 155384.00, 30.47, 0.00, 18.34, 46.40, 27.39, 509.56, 0.52
    11:46:44.276 -> 732325, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 155671.00, 30.47, 0.00, 18.34, 46.39, 27.39, 509.56, 0.52
    11:46:47.282 -> 735326, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 155671.00, 30.48, 0.00, 18.34, 46.38, 27.39, 509.57, 0.52
    11:46:50.285 -> 738326, 0.00, 100334.00, 0.00, 155240.00, 30.69, 0.00, 18.34, 46.39, 27.49, 509.95, 0.52
    11:46:53.297 -> 741326, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 155960.00, 30.52, 0.00, 18.34, 46.38, 27.41, 509.64, 0.52
    11:46:56.310 -> 744326, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 155240.00, 30.77, 0.00, 18.33, 46.41, 27.52, 510.07, 0.52
    11:46:59.273 -> 747325, 0.00, 100336.00, 0.00, 155097.00, 31.03, 0.00, 18.34, 46.37, 27.64, 510.54, 0.52
    11:47:02.276 -> 750325, 0.00, 100334.00, 0.00, 155097.00, 31.25, 0.00, 18.34, 46.38, 27.73, 510.92, 0.52
    11:47:05.280 -> 753325, 0.00, 100336.00, 0.00, 155671.00, 31.10, 0.00, 18.35, 46.33, 27.66, 510.65, 0.52
    11:47:08.289 -> 756325, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 30.91, 0.00, 18.34, 46.38, 27.58, 510.32, 0.52
    11:47:11.294 -> 759325, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 155960.00, 30.69, 0.00, 18.34, 46.37, 27.49, 509.95, 0.52
    11:47:14.305 -> 762325, 0.00, 100336.00, 0.00, 155960.00, 30.54, 0.00, 18.35, 46.33, 27.42, 509.68, 0.52
    11:47:17.271 -> 765325, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 155384.00, 30.83, 0.00, 18.34, 46.37, 27.55, 510.18, 0.52
    11:47:20.280 -> 768325, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 30.96, 0.00, 18.33, 46.38, 27.60, 510.41, 0.52
    11:47:23.292 -> 771325, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 30.87, 0.00, 18.33, 46.37, 27.56, 510.25, 0.52
    11:47:26.308 -> 774326, 0.00, 100334.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 30.80, 0.00, 18.34, 46.35, 27.53, 510.14, 0.52
    11:47:29.309 -> 777326, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 155240.00, 31.21, 0.00, 18.34, 46.36, 27.71, 510.85, 0.52
    11:47:32.301 -> 780325, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 31.07, 0.00, 18.33, 46.39, 27.65, 510.61, 0.52
    11:47:35.267 -> 783325, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 156105.00, 30.74, 0.00, 18.33, 46.38, 27.51, 510.04, 0.52
    11:47:38.271 -> 786326, 0.00, 100334.00, 0.00, 155960.00, 30.62, 0.00, 18.34, 46.37, 27.46, 509.83, 0.52
    11:47:41.283 -> 789326, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 30.93, 0.00, 18.34, 46.38, 27.59, 510.35, 0.52
    11:47:44.295 -> 792326, 0.00, 100334.00, 0.00, 155960.00, 30.77, 0.00, 18.33, 46.39, 27.52, 510.09, 0.52
    11:47:47.300 -> 795326, 0.00, 100334.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 30.82, 0.00, 18.33, 46.37, 27.54, 510.16, 0.52
    11:47:50.296 -> 798326, 0.00, 100334.00, 0.00, 155671.00, 30.99, 0.00, 18.34, 46.34, 27.62, 510.47, 0.52
    11:47:53.295 -> 801326, 0.00, 100338.00, 0.00, 155960.00, 30.84, 0.00, 18.34, 46.34, 27.55, 510.21, 0.52
    11:47:56.298 -> 804326, 0.00, 100336.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 31.19, 0.00, 18.34, 46.33, 27.71, 510.82, 0.52
    11:47:59.308 -> 807326, 0.00, 100334.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 31.17, 0.00, 18.33, 46.35, 27.70, 510.79, 0.52
    11:48:02.272 -> 810326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 155671.00, 31.35, 0.00, 18.33, 46.32, 27.77, 511.09, 0.52
    11:48:05.277 -> 813326, 0.00, 100338.00, 0.00, 155960.00, 31.16, 0.00, 18.34, 46.29, 27.69, 510.76, 0.52
    11:48:08.293 -> 816326, 0.00, 100336.00, 0.00, 155960.00, 31.04, 0.00, 18.33, 46.35, 27.64, 510.55, 0.52
    11:48:11.297 -> 819326, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 31.13, 0.00, 18.33, 46.35, 27.68, 510.72, 0.52
    11:48:14.308 -> 822326, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 32.47, 0.00, 18.33, 46.32, 28.26, 513.05, 0.53
    11:48:17.270 -> 825326, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 155671.00, 32.36, 0.00, 18.34, 46.31, 28.22, 512.87, 0.52
    11:48:20.269 -> 828326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 156250.00, 31.58, 0.00, 18.33, 46.31, 27.88, 511.50, 0.52
    11:48:23.273 -> 831326, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 155384.00, 32.19, 0.00, 18.33, 46.31, 28.14, 512.57, 0.52
    11:48:26.277 -> 834326, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 155240.00, 32.87, 0.00, 18.32, 46.33, 28.44, 513.76, 0.53
    11:48:29.286 -> 837326, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 155671.00, 32.78, 0.00, 18.32, 46.36, 28.40, 513.60, 0.53
    11:48:32.289 -> 840326, 0.00, 100334.00, 0.00, 155384.00, 33.14, 0.00, 18.33, 46.34, 28.55, 514.22, 0.53
    11:48:35.298 -> 843326, 0.00, 100334.00, 0.00, 155671.00, 33.02, 0.00, 18.32, 46.35, 28.50, 514.02, 0.53
    11:48:38.300 -> 846326, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 154954.00, 34.05, 0.00, 18.32, 46.36, 28.95, 515.82, 0.53
    11:48:41.267 -> 849326, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 33.93, 0.00, 18.32, 46.37, 28.90, 515.60, 0.53
    11:48:44.279 -> 852326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 33.87, 0.00, 18.32, 46.38, 28.88, 515.50, 0.53
    11:48:47.280 -> 855328, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 155671.00, 33.64, 0.00, 18.31, 46.41, 28.77, 515.09, 0.53
    11:48:50.283 -> 858326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 155384.00, 33.95, 0.00, 18.32, 46.39, 28.91, 515.65, 0.53
    11:48:53.294 -> 861326, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 155960.00, 33.24, 0.00, 18.31, 46.41, 28.60, 514.41, 0.53
    11:48:56.298 -> 864326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 33.51, 0.00, 18.32, 46.36, 28.72, 514.87, 0.53
    11:48:59.301 -> 867326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 33.74, 0.00, 18.31, 46.39, 28.82, 515.28, 0.53
    11:49:02.306 -> 870326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 33.94, 0.00, 18.31, 46.39, 28.91, 515.62, 0.53
    11:49:05.268 -> 873326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 33.58, 0.00, 18.31, 46.38, 28.75, 515.00, 0.53
    11:49:08.273 -> 876326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 33.92, 0.00, 18.31, 46.36, 28.90, 515.59, 0.53
    11:49:11.284 -> 879326, 0.00, 100332.00, 0.00, 154954.00, 35.34, 0.00, 18.31, 46.34, 29.52, 518.07, 0.54
    11:49:14.304 -> 882326, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 35.27, 0.00, 18.31, 46.33, 29.48, 517.94, 0.54
    11:49:17.268 -> 885326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 155240.00, 35.86, 0.00, 18.30, 46.36, 29.75, 518.98, 0.54
    11:49:20.277 -> 888326, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 35.75, 0.00, 18.30, 46.36, 29.69, 518.78, 0.54
    11:49:23.286 -> 891326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 35.70, 0.00, 18.31, 46.33, 29.67, 518.69, 0.54
    11:49:26.292 -> 894326, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 155816.00, 35.08, 0.00, 18.30, 46.38, 29.40, 517.61, 0.53
    11:49:29.304 -> 897326, 0.00, 100330.00, 0.00, 154669.00, 37.20, 0.00, 18.31, 46.36, 30.33, 521.31, 0.54
    11:49:39.417 -> 907466, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 146323.00, 29.76, 0.00, 18.24, 46.68, 27.08, 508.32, 0.52
    11:49:42.433 -> 910466, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 148783.00, 29.78, 0.00, 18.25, 46.62, 27.09, 508.35, 0.52
    11:49:45.442 -> 913466, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 149444.00, 29.81, 0.00, 18.26, 46.56, 27.10, 508.40, 0.52
    11:49:48.448 -> 916466, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 150920.00, 29.84, 0.00, 18.27, 46.51, 27.11, 508.45, 0.52
    11:49:51.452 -> 919466, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 151874.00, 29.87, 0.00, 18.27, 46.48, 27.13, 508.51, 0.52
    11:49:54.421 -> 922466, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 152425.00, 29.90, 0.00, 18.28, 46.40, 27.14, 508.56, 0.52
    11:49:57.430 -> 925466, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 152841.00, 29.93, 0.00, 18.28, 46.39, 27.15, 508.62, 0.52
    11:50:00.431 -> 928466, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 153399.00, 29.96, 0.00, 18.28, 46.37, 27.17, 508.66, 0.52
    11:50:03.434 -> 931466, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 153119.00, 29.99, 0.00, 18.28, 46.38, 27.18, 508.73, 0.52
    11:50:06.447 -> 934466, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 153820.00, 30.02, 0.00, 18.29, 46.34, 27.19, 508.77, 0.52
    11:50:09.451 -> 937466, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 153961.00, 30.04, 0.00, 18.29, 46.36, 27.20, 508.81, 0.52
    11:50:12.414 -> 940466, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 30.06, 0.00, 18.29, 46.35, 27.21, 508.85, 0.52
    11:50:15.415 -> 943466, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 30.09, 0.00, 18.29, 46.35, 27.22, 508.89, 0.52
    11:50:18.410 -> 946468, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 154954.00, 30.09, 0.00, 18.29, 46.35, 27.22, 508.89, 0.52
    11:50:21.415 -> 949466, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 30.10, 0.00, 18.29, 46.36, 27.23, 508.92, 0.52
    11:50:24.433 -> 952466, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 30.12, 0.00, 18.29, 46.36, 27.24, 508.95, 0.52
    11:50:27.436 -> 955466, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 154385.00, 30.18, 0.00, 18.29, 46.34, 27.26, 509.05, 0.52
    11:50:30.443 -> 958466, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 30.25, 0.00, 18.29, 46.36, 27.29, 509.17, 0.52
    11:50:33.409 -> 961466, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 155097.00, 30.24, 0.00, 18.30, 46.33, 27.29, 509.16, 0.52
    11:50:36.420 -> 964466, 0.00, 100323.00, 0.00, 155384.00, 30.23, 0.00, 18.29, 46.35, 27.28, 509.13, 0.52
    11:50:39.429 -> 967466, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 154954.00, 30.27, 0.00, 18.29, 46.34, 27.30, 509.20, 0.52
    11:50:42.437 -> 970466, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 30.32, 0.00, 18.29, 46.34, 27.33, 509.30, 0.52
    11:50:45.446 -> 973466, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 30.39, 0.00, 18.29, 46.34, 27.35, 509.41, 0.52
    11:50:48.444 -> 976467, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 154669.00, 30.47, 0.00, 18.28, 46.38, 27.39, 509.55, 0.52
    11:50:51.451 -> 979466, 0.00, 100329.00, 0.00, 154954.00, 30.51, 0.00, 18.28, 46.36, 27.41, 509.62, 0.52
    11:50:54.413 -> 982466, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 155240.00, 30.51, 0.00, 18.28, 46.35, 27.41, 509.63, 0.52
    11:50:57.419 -> 985466, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 155097.00, 30.55, 0.00, 18.29, 46.34, 27.42, 509.70, 0.52
    11:51:00.427 -> 988466, 0.00, 100323.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 30.52, 0.00, 18.28, 46.36, 27.41, 509.64, 0.52
    11:51:03.428 -> 991466, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 155240.00, 30.56, 0.00, 18.28, 46.36, 27.43, 509.72, 0.52
    11:51:06.437 -> 994466, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 30.70, 0.00, 18.28, 46.37, 27.49, 509.97, 0.52
    11:51:09.441 -> 997466, 0.00, 100327.00, 0.00, 155240.00, 30.73, 0.00, 18.29, 46.36, 27.50, 510.01, 0.52
    11:51:12.452 -> 1000466, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 154954.00, 30.84, 0.00, 18.28, 46.35, 27.55, 510.20, 0.52
    11:51:15.419 -> 1003466, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 30.97, 0.00, 18.29, 46.35, 27.61, 510.44, 0.52
    11:51:18.427 -> 1006466, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 154527.00, 31.17, 0.00, 18.29, 46.36, 27.70, 510.79, 0.52
    11:51:21.430 -> 1009466, 0.00, 100321.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 31.07, 0.00, 18.28, 46.39, 27.65, 510.60, 0.52
    11:51:24.443 -> 1012466, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 154669.00, 31.26, 0.00, 18.29, 46.37, 27.73, 510.94, 0.52
    11:51:27.448 -> 1015466, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 31.39, 0.00, 18.28, 46.39, 27.79, 511.16, 0.52
    11:51:30.452 -> 1018466, 0.00, 100323.00, 0.00, 154954.00, 31.46, 0.00, 18.28, 46.41, 27.82, 511.28, 0.52
    11:51:33.450 -> 1021466, 0.00, 100321.00, 0.00, 155240.00, 31.43, 0.00, 18.28, 46.39, 27.81, 511.24, 0.52
    11:51:36.417 -> 1024465, 0.00, 100321.00, 0.00, 154669.00, 31.65, 0.00, 18.28, 46.40, 27.90, 511.62, 0.52
    11:51:39.423 -> 1027466, 0.00, 100321.00, 0.00, 154954.00, 31.73, 0.00, 18.28, 46.40, 27.94, 511.75, 0.52
    11:51:42.436 -> 1030466, 0.00, 100323.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 31.58, 0.00, 18.28, 46.39, 27.87, 511.50, 0.52
    11:51:45.440 -> 1033466, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 155384.00, 31.54, 0.00, 18.29, 46.38, 27.86, 511.44, 0.52
    11:51:48.447 -> 1036466, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 32.06, 0.00, 18.28, 46.40, 28.08, 512.33, 0.52
    11:51:51.452 -> 1039466, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 32.21, 0.00, 18.28, 46.40, 28.15, 512.59, 0.52
    11:51:54.410 -> 1042466, 0.00, 100323.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 32.35, 0.00, 18.28, 46.39, 28.21, 512.84, 0.52
    11:51:57.418 -> 1045466, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 154527.00, 32.63, 0.00, 18.28, 46.38, 28.33, 513.33, 0.53
    11:52:00.431 -> 1048466, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 154527.00, 32.88, 0.00, 18.28, 46.38, 28.44, 513.76, 0.53
    11:52:03.432 -> 1051466, 0.00, 100321.00, 0.00, 155240.00, 32.71, 0.00, 18.28, 46.35, 28.37, 513.47, 0.53
    11:52:06.439 -> 1054466, 0.00, 100321.00, 0.00, 155384.00, 32.53, 0.00, 18.28, 46.34, 28.29, 513.16, 0.53
    11:52:09.446 -> 1057466, 0.00, 100323.00, 0.00, 155527.00, 32.35, 0.00, 18.28, 46.35, 28.21, 512.84, 0.52
    11:52:12.453 -> 1060466, 0.00, 100323.00, 0.00, 155384.00, 32.33, 0.00, 18.29, 46.32, 28.20, 512.80, 0.52
    11:52:15.412 -> 1063466, 0.00, 100321.00, 0.00, 154954.00, 32.63, 0.00, 18.28, 46.34, 28.33, 513.33, 0.53
    11:52:18.411 -> 1066466, 0.00, 100321.00, 0.00, 155240.00, 32.69, 0.00, 18.28, 46.32, 28.36, 513.44, 0.53
    11:52:21.419 -> 1069466, 0.00, 100323.00, 0.00, 155097.00, 32.87, 0.00, 18.28, 46.33, 28.44, 513.76, 0.53
    11:52:24.428 -> 1072466, 0.00, 100323.00, 0.00, 155384.00, 32.84, 0.00, 18.28, 46.33, 28.42, 513.69, 0.53
    11:52:27.430 -> 1075466, 0.00, 100321.00, 0.00, 155384.00, 32.84, 0.00, 18.28, 46.33, 28.43, 513.70, 0.53
    11:52:30.428 -> 1078466, 0.00, 100321.00, 0.00, 155384.00, 32.86, 0.00, 18.29, 46.33, 28.44, 513.74, 0.53
    11:52:33.432 -> 1081466, 0.00, 100323.00, 0.00, 154954.00, 33.26, 0.00, 18.29, 46.31, 28.61, 514.44, 0.53
    11:52:36.438 -> 1084466, 0.00, 100321.00, 0.00, 154385.00, 34.08, 0.00, 18.28, 46.33, 28.97, 515.86, 0.53
    11:52:39.449 -> 1087466, 0.00, 100325.00, 0.00, 155240.00, 33.98, 0.00, 18.29, 46.31, 28.92, 515.69, 0.53
    11:52:42.409 -> 1090466, 0.00, 100323.00, 0.00, 155240.00, 33.95, 0.00, 18.29, 46.30, 28.91, 515.63, 0.53
    11:52:45.419 -> 1093466, 0.00, 100319.00, 0.00, 155097.00, 34.11, 0.00, 18.28, 46.32, 28.98, 515.91, 0.53
    11:52:48.424 -> 1096466, 0.00, 100319.00, 0.00, 154954.00, 34.40, 0.00, 18.28, 46.31, 29.11, 516.43, 0.53
    11:52:51.436 -> 1099466, 0.00, 100323.00, 0.00, 154669.00, 34.95, 0.00, 18.28, 46.31, 29.35, 517.38, 0.53
    11:52:54.447 -> 1102466, 0.00, 100319.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 35.26, 0.00, 18.28, 46.30, 29.48, 517.92, 0.54
    11:52:57.411 -> 1105466, 0.00, 100321.00, 0.00, 154954.00, 35.37, 0.00, 18.29, 46.30, 29.53, 518.12, 0.54
    11:53:00.415 -> 1108466, 0.00, 100321.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 36.27, 0.00, 18.29, 46.29, 29.92, 519.69, 0.54
    11:53:03.427 -> 1111466, 0.00, 100321.00, 0.00, 155097.00, 36.04, 0.00, 18.28, 46.33, 29.82, 519.29, 0.54
    11:53:06.439 -> 1114466, 0.00, 100321.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 36.91, 0.00, 18.28, 46.32, 30.20, 520.81, 0.54
    11:53:09.445 -> 1117466, 0.00, 100319.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 37.61, 0.00, 18.28, 46.30, 30.51, 522.03, 0.54
    11:53:12.454 -> 1120466, 0.00, 100319.00, 0.00, 155097.00, 37.16, 0.00, 18.28, 46.30, 30.31, 521.25, 0.54
    11:53:15.420 -> 1123466, 0.00, 100317.00, 0.00, 155097.00, 36.89, 0.00, 18.28, 46.33, 30.19, 520.77, 0.54
    11:53:18.431 -> 1126466, 0.00, 100313.00, 0.00, 154385.00, 37.66, 0.00, 18.28, 46.32, 30.53, 522.11, 0.54
    11:53:21.443 -> 1129466, 0.00, 100319.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 37.72, 0.00, 18.28, 46.33, 30.55, 522.22, 0.54
    11:53:24.448 -> 1132466, 0.00, 100317.00, 0.00, 154669.00, 38.01, 0.00, 18.28, 46.34, 30.68, 522.73, 0.54
    11:53:27.446 -> 1135466, 0.00, 100319.00, 0.00, 154102.00, 39.07, 0.00, 18.28, 46.34, 31.14, 524.58, 0.55
    11:53:30.444 -> 1138466, 0.00, 100319.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 38.89, 0.00, 18.29, 46.30, 31.07, 524.28, 0.55
    11:53:33.446 -> 1141466, 0.00, 100319.00, 0.00, 155240.00, 38.22, 0.00, 18.29, 46.29, 30.78, 523.11, 0.55
    11:53:36.408 -> 1144466, 0.00, 100319.00, 0.00, 155384.00, 37.60, 0.00, 18.29, 46.28, 30.50, 522.01, 0.54
    11:53:39.418 -> 1147466, 0.00, 100315.00, 0.00, 154527.00, 38.52, 0.00, 18.28, 46.30, 30.91, 523.62, 0.55
    11:53:42.433 -> 1150466, 0.00, 100315.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 39.70, 0.00, 18.28, 46.30, 31.42, 525.68, 0.55
    11:53:45.442 -> 1153466, 0.00, 100317.00, 0.00, 154669.00, 39.96, 0.00, 18.28, 46.28, 31.54, 526.14, 0.55
    11:53:48.437 -> 1156466, 0.00, 100317.00, 0.00, 155097.00, 39.52, 0.00, 18.28, 46.30, 31.34, 525.37, 0.55
    11:53:51.444 -> 1159466, 0.00, 100315.00, 0.00, 154669.00, 40.01, 0.00, 18.27, 46.31, 31.56, 526.23, 0.55
    11:53:54.453 -> 1162466, 0.00, 100315.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 40.18, 0.00, 18.28, 46.30, 31.63, 526.52, 0.55
    11:53:57.421 -> 1165466, 0.00, 100317.00, 0.00, 154954.00, 40.14, 0.00, 18.27, 46.31, 31.62, 526.46, 0.55
    11:54:00.434 -> 1168468, 0.00, 100315.00, 0.00, 154527.00, 40.96, 0.00, 18.27, 46.32, 31.97, 527.89, 0.56
    11:54:03.436 -> 1171466, 0.00, 100313.00, 0.00, 155097.00, 40.59, 0.00, 18.27, 46.31, 31.81, 527.24, 0.55
    11:54:06.442 -> 1174466, 0.00, 100315.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 40.93, 0.00, 18.27, 46.33, 31.96, 527.83, 0.56
    11:54:09.407 -> 1177466, 0.00, 100315.00, 0.00, 154527.00, 41.79, 0.00, 18.27, 46.33, 32.33, 529.33, 0.56
    11:54:12.417 -> 1180466, 0.00, 100315.00, 0.00, 155097.00, 41.39, 0.00, 18.27, 46.31, 32.16, 528.63, 0.56
    11:54:15.431 -> 1183466, 0.00, 100313.00, 0.00, 154527.00, 42.30, 0.00, 18.27, 46.33, 32.56, 530.23, 0.56
    11:54:18.437 -> 1186466, 0.00, 100315.00, 0.00, 154954.00, 42.17, 0.00, 18.26, 46.38, 32.50, 530.00, 0.56
    11:54:21.452 -> 1189466, 0.00, 100315.00, 0.00, 154669.00, 42.77, 0.00, 18.26, 46.35, 32.76, 531.04, 0.56
    11:54:24.414 -> 1192466, 0.00, 100313.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 44.19, 0.00, 18.26, 46.36, 33.38, 533.53, 0.57
    11:54:27.434 -> 1195466, 0.00, 100313.00, 0.00, 154669.00, 44.35, 0.00, 18.27, 46.33, 33.45, 533.81, 0.57
    11:54:30.438 -> 1198466, 0.00, 100315.00, 0.00, 154527.00, 44.86, 0.00, 18.26, 46.39, 33.68, 534.71, 0.57
    11:54:38.299 -> 1206334, 0.00, 100315.00, 0.00, 149978.00, 29.76, 0.00, 18.23, 46.52, 27.08, 508.32, 0.52
    11:54:41.311 -> 1209334, 0.00, 100311.00, 0.00, 151328.00, 29.77, 0.00, 18.23, 46.49, 27.09, 508.34, 0.52
    11:54:44.318 -> 1212334, 0.00, 100315.00, 0.00, 151874.00, 29.79, 0.00, 18.24, 46.43, 27.09, 508.37, 0.52
    11:54:47.277 -> 1215334, 0.00, 100311.00, 0.00, 152012.00, 29.82, 0.00, 18.25, 46.40, 27.10, 508.42, 0.52
    11:54:50.283 -> 1218334, 0.00, 100313.00, 0.00, 152287.00, 29.85, 0.00, 18.26, 46.39, 27.12, 508.47, 0.52
    11:54:53.295 -> 1221334, 0.00, 100313.00, 0.00, 153539.00, 29.87, 0.00, 18.26, 46.39, 27.13, 508.52, 0.52
    11:54:56.301 -> 1224334, 0.00, 100313.00, 0.00, 153399.00, 29.90, 0.00, 18.25, 46.40, 27.14, 508.57, 0.52
    11:54:59.308 -> 1227334, 0.00, 100311.00, 0.00, 153119.00, 29.94, 0.00, 18.26, 46.37, 27.16, 508.64, 0.52
    11:55:02.318 -> 1230334, 0.00, 100309.00, 0.00, 153399.00, 29.98, 0.00, 18.26, 46.35, 27.18, 508.70, 0.52
    11:55:05.286 -> 1233334, 0.00, 100309.00, 0.00, 153679.00, 30.02, 0.00, 18.26, 46.36, 27.19, 508.77, 0.52
    11:55:08.296 -> 1236334, 0.00, 100311.00, 0.00, 154102.00, 30.05, 0.00, 18.26, 46.37, 27.20, 508.82, 0.52
    11:55:11.303 -> 1239334, 0.00, 100313.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 30.08, 0.00, 18.26, 46.36, 27.22, 508.87, 0.52
    11:55:14.311 -> 1242334, 0.00, 100313.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 30.11, 0.00, 18.26, 46.35, 27.23, 508.93, 0.52
    11:55:17.316 -> 1245334, 0.00, 100311.00, 0.00, 154527.00, 30.14, 0.00, 18.26, 46.37, 27.25, 508.98, 0.52
    11:55:20.280 -> 1248334, 0.00, 100311.00, 0.00, 154102.00, 30.20, 0.00, 18.26, 46.37, 27.27, 509.08, 0.52
    11:55:23.299 -> 1251334, 0.00, 100307.00, 0.00, 154385.00, 30.24, 0.00, 18.25, 46.37, 27.29, 509.16, 0.52
    11:55:26.313 -> 1254334, 0.00, 100309.00, 0.00, 154527.00, 30.28, 0.00, 18.26, 46.34, 27.31, 509.22, 0.52
    11:55:29.282 -> 1257334, 0.00, 100311.00, 0.00, 154669.00, 30.31, 0.00, 18.26, 46.35, 27.32, 509.28, 0.52
    11:55:32.284 -> 1260334, 0.00, 100307.00, 0.00, 154385.00, 30.38, 0.00, 18.27, 46.28, 27.35, 509.40, 0.52
    11:55:35.299 -> 1263334, 0.00, 100309.00, 0.00, 153539.00, 30.53, 0.00, 18.26, 46.29, 27.42, 509.66, 0.52
    11:55:38.315 -> 1266334, 0.00, 100309.00, 0.00, 153961.00, 30.63, 0.00, 18.26, 46.30, 27.46, 509.84, 0.52
    11:55:41.314 -> 1269335, 0.00, 100309.00, 0.00, 154385.00, 30.68, 0.00, 18.26, 46.28, 27.48, 509.93, 0.52
    11:55:44.290 -> 1272334, 0.00, 100305.00, 0.00, 154102.00, 30.78, 0.00, 18.26, 46.26, 27.53, 510.10, 0.52
    11:55:47.301 -> 1275334, 0.00, 100307.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 30.79, 0.00, 18.25, 46.27, 27.53, 510.12, 0.52
    11:55:50.305 -> 1278334, 0.00, 100307.00, 0.00, 154527.00, 30.86, 0.00, 18.26, 46.25, 27.56, 510.24, 0.52
    11:55:53.275 -> 1281334, 0.00, 100311.00, 0.00, 154102.00, 31.00, 0.00, 18.26, 46.24, 27.62, 510.49, 0.52
    11:55:56.288 -> 1284334, 0.00, 100307.00, 0.00, 154385.00, 31.09, 0.00, 18.25, 46.29, 27.66, 510.65, 0.52
    11:55:59.302 -> 1287334, 0.00, 100307.00, 0.00, 153961.00, 31.27, 0.00, 18.25, 46.29, 27.74, 510.95, 0.52
    11:56:02.307 -> 1290334, 0.00, 100309.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 31.38, 0.00, 18.26, 46.26, 27.79, 511.14, 0.52
    11:56:05.305 -> 1293334, 0.00, 100307.00, 0.00, 154669.00, 31.40, 0.00, 18.25, 46.32, 27.80, 511.19, 0.52
    11:56:08.309 -> 1296334, 0.00, 100307.00, 0.00, 153820.00, 31.64, 0.00, 18.25, 46.32, 27.90, 511.60, 0.52
    11:56:11.314 -> 1299334, 0.00, 100307.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 31.62, 0.00, 18.25, 46.32, 27.89, 511.56, 0.52
    11:56:14.300 -> 1302334, 0.00, 100307.00, 0.00, 153961.00, 31.85, 0.00, 18.25, 46.30, 27.99, 511.97, 0.52
    11:56:17.310 -> 1305334, 0.00, 100305.00, 0.00, 154385.00, 31.94, 0.00, 18.26, 46.30, 28.03, 512.13, 0.52
    11:56:20.320 -> 1308334, 0.00, 100303.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 32.09, 0.00, 18.26, 46.31, 28.10, 512.38, 0.52
    11:56:23.281 -> 1311334, 0.00, 100305.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 32.23, 0.00, 18.25, 46.34, 28.16, 512.64, 0.52
    11:56:26.294 -> 1314334, 0.00, 100303.00, 0.00, 154669.00, 32.25, 0.00, 18.25, 46.34, 28.17, 512.66, 0.52
    11:56:29.298 -> 1317334, 0.00, 100305.00, 0.00, 154527.00, 32.34, 0.00, 18.26, 46.28, 28.21, 512.83, 0.52
    11:56:32.307 -> 1320334, 0.00, 100303.00, 0.00, 154102.00, 32.60, 0.00, 18.25, 46.34, 28.32, 513.28, 0.53
    11:56:35.318 -> 1323335, 0.00, 100303.00, 0.00, 154102.00, 32.83, 0.00, 18.25, 46.33, 28.42, 513.69, 0.53
    11:56:38.282 -> 1326335, 0.00, 100303.00, 0.00, 154102.00, 33.05, 0.00, 18.26, 46.31, 28.52, 514.07, 0.53
    11:56:41.292 -> 1329334, 0.00, 100305.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 33.20, 0.00, 18.25, 46.35, 28.58, 514.33, 0.53
    11:56:44.305 -> 1332334, 0.00, 100305.00, 0.00, 154669.00, 33.18, 0.00, 18.25, 46.32, 28.57, 514.29, 0.53
    11:56:47.319 -> 1335334, 0.00, 100303.00, 0.00, 154527.00, 33.27, 0.00, 18.25, 46.33, 28.61, 514.44, 0.53
    11:56:50.281 -> 1338334, 0.00, 100305.00, 0.00, 154527.00, 33.38, 0.00, 18.25, 46.30, 28.66, 514.64, 0.53
    11:56:53.289 -> 1341334, 0.00, 100305.00, 0.00, 154527.00, 33.51, 0.00, 18.25, 46.31, 28.72, 514.87, 0.53
    11:56:56.302 -> 1344334, 0.00, 100303.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 33.80, 0.00, 18.25, 46.28, 28.85, 515.38, 0.53
    11:56:59.317 -> 1347334, 0.00, 100303.00, 0.00, 154385.00, 33.99, 0.00, 18.25, 46.30, 28.93, 515.71, 0.53
    11:57:02.281 -> 1350335, 0.00, 100301.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 34.27, 0.00, 18.25, 46.27, 29.05, 516.20, 0.53
    11:57:05.292 -> 1353334, 0.00, 100303.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 34.53, 0.00, 18.25, 46.27, 29.16, 516.65, 0.53
    11:57:08.296 -> 1356334, 0.00, 100301.00, 0.00, 154527.00, 34.60, 0.00, 18.25, 46.27, 29.20, 516.78, 0.53
    11:57:11.310 -> 1359334, 0.00, 100303.00, 0.00, 154385.00, 34.81, 0.00, 18.24, 46.31, 29.29, 517.14, 0.53
    11:57:14.314 -> 1362334, 0.00, 100303.00, 0.00, 153820.00, 35.39, 0.00, 18.25, 46.27, 29.54, 518.15, 0.54
    11:57:17.276 -> 1365334, 0.00, 100303.00, 0.00, 154385.00, 35.49, 0.00, 18.25, 46.27, 29.58, 518.33, 0.54
    11:57:20.284 -> 1368334, 0.00, 100303.00, 0.00, 153961.00, 35.93, 0.00, 18.25, 46.28, 29.77, 519.09, 0.54
    11:57:23.287 -> 1371334, 0.00, 100301.00, 0.00, 153679.00, 36.51, 0.00, 18.25, 46.31, 30.03, 520.11, 0.54
    11:57:26.300 -> 1374334, 0.00, 100301.00, 0.00, 153961.00, 36.80, 0.00, 18.25, 46.29, 30.16, 520.62, 0.54
    11:57:29.309 -> 1377334, 0.00, 100301.00, 0.00, 153539.00, 37.41, 0.00, 18.25, 46.32, 30.42, 521.69, 0.54
    11:57:32.315 -> 1380334, 0.00, 100303.00, 0.00, 153820.00, 37.70, 0.00, 18.25, 46.32, 30.55, 522.19, 0.54
    11:57:35.280 -> 1383334, 0.00, 100303.00, 0.00, 153820.00, 37.99, 0.00, 18.25, 46.34, 30.67, 522.69, 0.54
    11:57:38.287 -> 1386334, 0.00, 100301.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 37.90, 0.00, 18.25, 46.34, 30.64, 522.55, 0.54
    11:57:41.291 -> 1389334, 0.00, 100299.00, 0.00, 153539.00, 38.56, 0.00, 18.24, 46.35, 30.92, 523.69, 0.55
    11:57:44.300 -> 1392334, 0.00, 100299.00, 0.00, 154669.00, 38.06, 0.00, 18.25, 46.33, 30.71, 522.83, 0.55
    11:57:47.317 -> 1395334, 0.00, 100299.00, 0.00, 153820.00, 38.57, 0.00, 18.26, 46.31, 30.93, 523.71, 0.55
    11:57:50.276 -> 1398334, 0.00, 100299.00, 0.00, 153961.00, 38.89, 0.00, 18.25, 46.34, 31.07, 524.27, 0.55
    11:57:53.276 -> 1401334, 0.00, 100299.00, 0.00, 154102.00, 39.05, 0.00, 18.25, 46.34, 31.14, 524.55, 0.55
    11:57:56.280 -> 1404334, 0.00, 100299.00, 0.00, 153961.00, 39.39, 0.00, 18.26, 46.32, 31.28, 525.14, 0.55
    11:57:59.285 -> 1407334, 0.00, 100303.00, 0.00, 154385.00, 39.25, 0.00, 18.26, 46.32, 31.22, 524.90, 0.55
    11:58:02.302 -> 1410334, 0.00, 100301.00, 0.00, 153820.00, 39.86, 0.00, 18.25, 46.35, 31.49, 525.97, 0.55
    11:58:05.301 -> 1413334, 0.00, 100301.00, 0.00, 154385.00, 39.74, 0.00, 18.25, 46.34, 31.44, 525.76, 0.55
    11:58:08.306 -> 1416334, 0.00, 100301.00, 0.00, 153820.00, 40.39, 0.00, 18.25, 46.37, 31.72, 526.90, 0.55
    11:58:11.315 -> 1419334, 0.00, 100301.00, 0.00, 154385.00, 40.28, 0.00, 18.25, 46.34, 31.67, 526.69, 0.55
    11:58:14.321 -> 1422334, 0.00, 100299.00, 0.00, 153961.00, 40.79, 0.00, 18.25, 46.36, 31.90, 527.59, 0.55
    11:58:17.289 -> 1425334, 0.00, 100299.00, 0.00, 153961.00, 41.25, 0.00, 18.25, 46.36, 32.10, 528.39, 0.56
    11:58:20.295 -> 1428334, 0.00, 100299.00, 0.00, 153679.00, 42.03, 0.00, 18.25, 46.36, 32.44, 529.76, 0.56
    11:58:23.297 -> 1431334, 0.00, 100297.00, 0.00, 153820.00, 42.50, 0.00, 18.25, 46.36, 32.64, 530.58, 0.56
    11:58:26.307 -> 1434334, 0.00, 100295.00, 0.00, 153820.00, 42.95, 0.00, 18.24, 46.37, 32.84, 531.37, 0.56
    11:58:29.308 -> 1437334, 0.00, 100301.00, 0.00, 153399.00, 43.98, 0.00, 18.24, 46.36, 33.29, 533.17, 0.57
    11:58:32.309 -> 1440334, 0.00, 100297.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 43.63, 0.00, 18.23, 46.36, 33.14, 532.55, 0.57
    11:58:35.315 -> 1443334, 0.00, 100299.00, 0.00, 153679.00, 44.30, 0.00, 18.24, 46.36, 33.43, 533.72, 0.57
    11:58:38.275 -> 1446334, 0.00, 100295.00, 0.00, 154102.00, 44.24, 0.00, 18.24, 46.35, 33.40, 533.61, 0.57
    11:58:41.283 -> 1449334, 0.00, 100291.00, 0.00, 153399.00, 45.41, 0.00, 18.24, 46.34, 33.92, 535.67, 0.57
    11:58:44.297 -> 1452334, 0.00, 100295.00, 0.00, 154102.00, 45.24, 0.00, 18.24, 46.34, 33.84, 535.37, 0.57
    11:58:47.309 -> 1455334, 0.00, 100295.00, 0.00, 153259.00, 46.65, 0.00, 18.23, 46.33, 34.46, 537.84, 0.58
    11:58:50.316 -> 1458334, 0.00, 100295.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 46.13, 0.00, 18.23, 46.35, 34.23, 536.92, 0.57
    11:58:53.283 -> 1461334, 0.00, 100293.00, 0.00, 154102.00, 46.13, 0.00, 18.23, 46.32, 34.23, 536.92, 0.57
    11:58:56.299 -> 1464334, 0.00, 100295.00, 0.00, 154385.00, 45.74, 0.00, 18.24, 46.29, 34.06, 536.24, 0.57
    11:58:59.304 -> 1467334, 0.00, 100295.00, 0.00, 153961.00, 46.35, 0.00, 18.23, 46.31, 34.33, 537.31, 0.58
    11:59:02.308 -> 1470334, 0.00, 100297.00, 0.00, 153961.00, 46.91, 0.00, 18.23, 46.33, 34.57, 538.28, 0.58
    11:59:05.317 -> 1473334, 0.00, 100295.00, 0.00, 153961.00, 47.43, 0.00, 18.23, 46.32, 34.80, 539.19, 0.58
    11:59:08.284 -> 1476334, 0.00, 100297.00, 0.00, 153679.00, 48.49, 0.00, 18.22, 46.34, 35.26, 541.05, 0.58
    11:59:11.296 -> 1479334, 0.00, 100297.00, 0.00, 154385.00, 48.01, 0.00, 18.22, 46.32, 35.05, 540.21, 0.58
    11:59:14.303 -> 1482334, 0.00, 100297.00, 0.00, 153399.00, 49.77, 0.00, 18.23, 46.28, 35.82, 543.29, 0.59
    11:59:17.309 -> 1485334, 0.00, 100295.00, 0.00, 153961.00, 50.03, 0.00, 18.22, 46.32, 35.93, 543.74, 0.59
    11:59:20.314 -> 1488334, 0.00, 100295.00, 0.00, 153679.00, 50.97, 0.00, 18.22, 46.30, 36.34, 545.37, 0.59
    11:59:23.320 -> 1491336, 0.00, 100297.00, 0.00, 154102.00, 50.87, 0.00, 18.22, 46.30, 36.30, 545.20, 0.59
    11:59:26.288 -> 1494334, 0.00, 100293.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 50.63, 0.00, 18.22, 46.31, 36.20, 544.79, 0.59
    11:59:29.298 -> 1497334, 0.00, 100297.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 50.59, 0.00, 18.22, 46.32, 36.18, 544.72, 0.59
    11:59:39.398 -> 1507436, 0.00, 100295.00, 0.00, 144686.00, 29.77, 0.00, 18.15, 46.63, 27.08, 508.33, 0.52
    11:59:42.405 -> 1510436, 0.00, 100297.00, 0.00, 146962.00, 29.79, 0.00, 18.17, 46.54, 27.09, 508.36, 0.52
    11:59:45.415 -> 1513436, 0.00, 100295.00, 0.00, 148128.00, 29.82, 0.00, 18.17, 46.52, 27.11, 508.42, 0.52
    11:59:48.377 -> 1516436, 0.00, 100295.00, 0.00, 149312.00, 29.86, 0.00, 18.18, 46.44, 27.12, 508.50, 0.52
    11:59:51.387 -> 1519436, 0.00, 100295.00, 0.00, 149844.00, 29.91, 0.00, 18.18, 46.45, 27.15, 508.58, 0.52
    11:59:54.400 -> 1522436, 0.00, 100293.00, 0.00, 151328.00, 29.96, 0.00, 18.17, 46.43, 27.17, 508.67, 0.52
    11:59:57.411 -> 1525436, 0.00, 100295.00, 0.00, 151056.00, 30.02, 0.00, 18.18, 46.39, 27.19, 508.76, 0.52
    12:00:00.417 -> 1528436, 0.00, 100293.00, 0.00, 151874.00, 30.07, 0.00, 18.18, 46.39, 27.21, 508.85, 0.52
    12:00:03.423 -> 1531436, 0.00, 100295.00, 0.00, 151601.00, 30.13, 0.00, 18.18, 46.39, 27.24, 508.97, 0.52
    12:00:06.388 -> 1534436, 0.00, 100297.00, 0.00, 152425.00, 30.18, 0.00, 18.19, 46.36, 27.26, 509.06, 0.52
    12:00:09.400 -> 1537436, 0.00, 100297.00, 0.00, 152287.00, 30.25, 0.00, 18.18, 46.39, 27.29, 509.17, 0.52
    12:00:12.404 -> 1540436, 0.00, 100297.00, 0.00, 152425.00, 30.32, 0.00, 18.18, 46.39, 27.32, 509.29, 0.52
    12:00:15.415 -> 1543436, 0.00, 100295.00, 0.00, 152012.00, 30.41, 0.00, 18.19, 46.35, 27.36, 509.45, 0.52
    12:00:18.378 -> 1546436, 0.00, 100291.00, 0.00, 152980.00, 30.47, 0.00, 18.18, 46.38, 27.39, 509.55, 0.52
    12:00:21.381 -> 1549436, 0.00, 100293.00, 0.00, 153539.00, 30.51, 0.00, 18.18, 46.38, 27.40, 509.62, 0.52
    12:00:24.387 -> 1552436, 0.00, 100291.00, 0.00, 153119.00, 30.58, 0.00, 18.18, 46.37, 27.44, 509.75, 0.52
    12:00:27.392 -> 1555436, 0.00, 100283.00, 0.00, 152702.00, 30.70, 0.00, 18.18, 46.39, 27.49, 509.95, 0.52
    12:00:30.394 -> 1558436, 0.00, 100293.00, 0.00, 153119.00, 30.78, 0.00, 18.18, 46.40, 27.53, 510.11, 0.52
    12:00:33.400 -> 1561436, 0.00, 100293.00, 0.00, 152564.00, 30.93, 0.00, 18.18, 46.38, 27.59, 510.36, 0.52
    12:00:36.412 -> 1564436, 0.00, 100293.00, 0.00, 152564.00, 31.08, 0.00, 18.18, 46.40, 27.65, 510.62, 0.52
    12:00:39.420 -> 1567436, 0.00, 100293.00, 0.00, 153679.00, 31.11, 0.00, 18.19, 46.36, 27.67, 510.68, 0.52
    12:00:42.424 -> 1570436, 0.00, 100293.00, 0.00, 153679.00, 31.17, 0.00, 18.19, 46.37, 27.69, 510.78, 0.52
    12:00:45.384 -> 1573436, 0.00, 100295.00, 0.00, 153539.00, 31.26, 0.00, 18.19, 46.39, 27.73, 510.94, 0.52
    12:00:48.388 -> 1576436, 0.00, 100293.00, 0.00, 153820.00, 31.33, 0.00, 18.18, 46.40, 27.76, 511.06, 0.52
    12:00:51.389 -> 1579436, 0.00, 100291.00, 0.00, 153119.00, 31.51, 0.00, 18.19, 46.36, 27.85, 511.38, 0.52
    12:00:54.394 -> 1582436, 0.00, 100291.00, 0.00, 154102.00, 31.54, 0.00, 18.20, 46.35, 27.86, 511.43, 0.52
    12:00:57.402 -> 1585436, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 154102.00, 31.59, 0.00, 18.19, 46.39, 27.88, 511.52, 0.52
    12:01:00.405 -> 1588436, 0.00, 100291.00, 0.00, 153259.00, 31.82, 0.00, 18.19, 46.38, 27.98, 511.92, 0.52
    12:01:03.412 -> 1591436, 0.00, 100293.00, 0.00, 153679.00, 31.95, 0.00, 18.19, 46.39, 28.04, 512.15, 0.52
    12:01:06.412 -> 1594436, 0.00, 100291.00, 0.00, 153539.00, 32.13, 0.00, 18.19, 46.38, 28.11, 512.45, 0.52
    12:01:09.409 -> 1597436, 0.00, 100293.00, 0.00, 153119.00, 32.40, 0.00, 18.19, 46.38, 28.23, 512.92, 0.53
    12:01:12.419 -> 1600436, 0.00, 100283.00, 0.00, 153679.00, 32.51, 0.00, 18.19, 46.38, 28.28, 513.13, 0.53
    12:01:15.378 -> 1603436, 0.00, 100291.00, 0.00, 153961.00, 32.58, 0.00, 18.19, 46.40, 28.31, 513.24, 0.53
    12:01:18.383 -> 1606437, 0.00, 100283.00, 0.00, 153539.00, 32.78, 0.00, 18.19, 46.40, 28.40, 513.59, 0.53
    12:01:21.391 -> 1609436, 0.00, 100283.00, 0.00, 153539.00, 32.98, 0.00, 18.19, 46.39, 28.49, 513.95, 0.53
    12:01:24.410 -> 1612436, 0.00, 100291.00, 0.00, 153679.00, 33.14, 0.00, 18.19, 46.41, 28.56, 514.23, 0.53
    12:01:27.422 -> 1615436, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 152980.00, 33.54, 0.00, 18.19, 46.40, 28.73, 514.92, 0.53
    12:01:30.379 -> 1618436, 0.00, 100283.00, 0.00, 153259.00, 33.80, 0.00, 18.19, 46.40, 28.84, 515.37, 0.53
    12:01:33.385 -> 1621436, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 153119.00, 34.10, 0.00, 18.19, 46.38, 28.98, 515.91, 0.53
    12:01:36.391 -> 1624436, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 153539.00, 34.24, 0.00, 18.19, 46.38, 29.04, 516.14, 0.53
    12:01:39.405 -> 1627436, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 153539.00, 34.40, 0.00, 18.20, 46.36, 29.10, 516.42, 0.53
    12:01:42.410 -> 1630436, 0.00, 100279.00, 0.00, 153820.00, 34.46, 0.00, 18.19, 46.40, 29.13, 516.53, 0.53
    12:01:45.424 -> 1633436, 0.00, 100279.00, 0.00, 152841.00, 35.00, 0.00, 18.19, 46.38, 29.37, 517.47, 0.53
    12:01:48.381 -> 1636437, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 153539.00, 35.15, 0.00, 18.19, 46.37, 29.43, 517.74, 0.53
    12:01:51.385 -> 1639436, 0.00, 100279.00, 0.00, 153539.00, 35.34, 0.00, 18.19, 46.36, 29.51, 518.06, 0.54
    12:01:54.391 -> 1642436, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 153399.00, 35.61, 0.00, 18.19, 46.37, 29.63, 518.54, 0.54
    12:01:57.397 -> 1645436, 0.00, 100283.00, 0.00, 153399.00, 35.88, 0.00, 18.19, 46.37, 29.75, 519.02, 0.54
    12:02:00.402 -> 1648436, 0.00, 100283.00, 0.00, 153539.00, 36.08, 0.00, 18.19, 46.38, 29.84, 519.37, 0.54
    12:02:03.401 -> 1651436, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 152702.00, 36.78, 0.00, 18.19, 46.38, 30.14, 520.58, 0.54
    12:02:06.412 -> 1654436, 0.00, 100279.00, 0.00, 153259.00, 37.05, 0.00, 18.18, 46.41, 30.26, 521.05, 0.54
    12:02:09.380 -> 1657436, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 153539.00, 37.16, 0.00, 18.18, 46.41, 30.31, 521.25, 0.54
    12:02:12.383 -> 1660436, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 154527.00, 36.71, 0.00, 18.17, 46.44, 30.11, 520.45, 0.54
    12:02:15.393 -> 1663436, 0.00, 100277.00, 0.00, 154102.00, 36.73, 0.00, 18.16, 46.44, 30.12, 520.50, 0.54
    12:02:18.399 -> 1666436, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 154669.00, 36.43, 0.00, 18.17, 46.42, 29.99, 519.97, 0.54
    12:02:21.409 -> 1669436, 0.00, 100275.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 36.58, 0.00, 18.16, 46.46, 30.06, 520.23, 0.54
    12:02:24.420 -> 1672436, 0.00, 100277.00, 0.00, 154669.00, 36.45, 0.00, 18.16, 46.45, 30.00, 520.01, 0.54
    12:02:27.387 -> 1675436, 0.00, 100279.00, 0.00, 154385.00, 36.64, 0.00, 18.16, 46.45, 30.08, 520.34, 0.54
    12:02:30.403 -> 1678436, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 154954.00, 36.41, 0.00, 18.15, 46.48, 29.98, 519.93, 0.54
    12:02:33.416 -> 1681436, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 36.41, 0.00, 18.15, 46.49, 29.99, 519.94, 0.54
    12:02:36.382 -> 1684437, 0.00, 100279.00, 0.00, 154385.00, 36.84, 0.00, 18.16, 46.43, 30.17, 520.68, 0.54
    12:02:39.395 -> 1687437, 0.00, 100277.00, 0.00, 155097.00, 36.60, 0.00, 18.16, 46.42, 30.07, 520.28, 0.54
    12:02:42.396 -> 1690436, 0.00, 100277.00, 0.00, 154385.00, 37.13, 0.00, 18.16, 46.44, 30.30, 521.19, 0.54
    12:02:45.405 -> 1693436, 0.00, 100279.00, 0.00, 154527.00, 37.45, 0.00, 18.16, 46.43, 30.44, 521.76, 0.54
    12:02:48.415 -> 1696436, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 154385.00, 37.89, 0.00, 18.16, 46.46, 30.63, 522.52, 0.54
    12:02:51.379 -> 1699436, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 154669.00, 38.00, 0.00, 18.16, 46.45, 30.68, 522.71, 0.54
    12:02:54.385 -> 1702436, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 154385.00, 38.44, 0.00, 18.16, 46.44, 30.87, 523.49, 0.55
    12:02:57.389 -> 1705436, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 38.41, 0.00, 18.16, 46.42, 30.86, 523.42, 0.55
    12:03:00.405 -> 1708436, 0.00, 100283.00, 0.00, 154669.00, 38.60, 0.00, 18.16, 46.45, 30.94, 523.76, 0.55
    12:03:03.420 -> 1711436, 0.00, 100283.00, 0.00, 154811.00, 38.67, 0.00, 18.15, 46.45, 30.97, 523.88, 0.55
    12:03:06.380 -> 1714436, 0.00, 100279.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 39.46, 0.00, 18.14, 46.47, 31.32, 525.26, 0.55
    12:03:09.393 -> 1717436, 0.00, 100279.00, 0.00, 153961.00, 40.44, 0.00, 18.15, 46.45, 31.74, 526.97, 0.55
    12:03:12.394 -> 1720436, 0.00, 100279.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 40.90, 0.00, 18.15, 46.44, 31.94, 527.78, 0.56
    12:03:15.406 -> 1723436, 0.00, 100283.00, 0.00, 153259.00, 42.56, 0.00, 18.15, 46.43, 32.67, 530.68, 0.56
    12:03:18.417 -> 1726436, 0.00, 100283.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 42.61, 0.00, 18.15, 46.43, 32.69, 530.77, 0.56
    12:03:21.386 -> 1729436, 0.00, 100279.00, 0.00, 153961.00, 43.14, 0.00, 18.14, 46.45, 32.92, 531.69, 0.56
    12:03:24.396 -> 1732436, 0.00, 100283.00, 0.00, 153961.00, 43.62, 0.00, 18.15, 46.42, 33.13, 532.53, 0.57
    12:03:27.407 -> 1735436, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 154527.00, 43.32, 0.00, 18.14, 46.42, 33.00, 532.01, 0.56
    12:03:30.419 -> 1738436, 0.00, 100283.00, 0.00, 153539.00, 44.61, 0.00, 18.14, 46.42, 33.57, 534.27, 0.57
    12:03:33.382 -> 1741436, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 153399.00, 45.89, 0.00, 18.14, 46.40, 34.12, 536.49, 0.57
    12:03:36.387 -> 1744436, 0.00, 100283.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 45.68, 0.00, 18.14, 46.40, 34.03, 536.13, 0.57
    12:03:39.398 -> 1747439, 0.00, 100291.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 45.66, 0.00, 18.13, 46.44, 34.02, 536.10, 0.57
    12:03:42.411 -> 1750436, 0.00, 100291.00, 0.00, 154243.00, 45.77, 0.00, 18.14, 46.39, 34.07, 536.29, 0.57
    12:03:45.419 -> 1753436, 0.00, 100283.00, 0.00, 153820.00, 46.64, 0.00, 18.14, 46.41, 34.45, 537.81, 0.58
    12:03:48.381 -> 1756436, 0.00, 100283.00, 0.00, 153820.00, 47.40, 0.00, 18.13, 46.44, 34.79, 539.14, 0.58
    12:03:51.384 -> 1759436, 0.00, 100283.00, 0.00, 154527.00, 46.89, 0.00, 18.13, 46.44, 34.56, 538.26, 0.58
    12:03:54.387 -> 1762436, 0.00, 100279.00, 0.00, 153119.00, 49.09, 0.00, 18.13, 46.43, 35.52, 542.09, 0.59
    12:03:57.406 -> 1765436, 0.00, 100279.00, 0.00, 153539.00, 50.06, 0.00, 18.13, 46.43, 35.95, 543.80, 0.59
    12:04:00.379 -> 1768436, 0.00, 100279.00, 0.00, 152841.00, 52.18, 0.00, 18.13, 46.43, 36.87, 547.50, 0.60
    12:04:03.393 -> 1771436, 0.00, 100277.00, 0.00, 153119.00, 53.36, 0.00, 18.13, 46.41, 37.39, 549.55, 0.60
    12:04:06.409 -> 1774436, 0.00, 100279.00, 0.00, 153679.00, 53.28, 0.00, 18.14, 46.40, 37.35, 549.42, 0.60
    12:04:09.418 -> 1777436, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 153679.00, 53.40, 0.00, 18.13, 46.43, 37.41, 549.62, 0.60
    12:04:12.386 -> 1780436, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 154102.00, 52.82, 0.00, 18.13, 46.41, 37.15, 548.61, 0.60
    12:04:15.395 -> 1783436, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 152564.00, 55.67, 0.00, 18.13, 46.42, 38.40, 553.59, 0.61
    12:04:18.409 -> 1786436, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 153539.00, 55.86, 0.00, 18.14, 46.39, 38.48, 553.91, 0.61
    12:04:21.416 -> 1789436, 0.00, 100291.00, 0.00, 153539.00, 56.14, 0.00, 18.14, 46.42, 38.60, 554.41, 0.61
    12:04:24.384 -> 1792436, 0.00, 100283.00, 0.00, 153539.00, 56.51, 0.00, 18.14, 46.41, 38.76, 555.05, 0.62
    12:04:27.401 -> 1795436, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 153539.00, 56.92, 0.00, 18.14, 46.44, 38.94, 555.77, 0.62
    12:04:30.417 -> 1798437, 0.00, 100281.00, 0.00, 153259.00, 58.01, 0.00, 18.14, 46.42, 39.42, 557.68, 0.62

    Hi jordan982,

    thank you for the temperature offset hint. Will try to include this once I have some time left.

    To be honest, I do not care about the IAQ accuracy higher than 1, which is OK for me. I'm running since months with that. The sensor does work well and the calculated values are OK-ish. I did a cross check with a MQ135 sensor and the valaues were in the same range.

    Please be aware, that the values provided are not what you will get, if you do a proper gas analysis. There is a reason why gas spectrometers still cost a lot. In fact, I just use the numbers to see if the values are "high" or " low" compared to the "fresh-air" values of this set-up or to see if they change at certain times of the day.

