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    BME680 power supply voltage ripple

    BME680 power supply voltage ripple

    Occasional Visitor

    The BME680 datasheet (BST-MBE680-DS001-00 Revision_1.0_072017) specifies in section 1.1 (General Electrical Specification) that the supply voltage for internal domains allows for a maximum ripple voltage of 50 mV peak to peak. What is the ffect, if any, on the BME680 if that maximum value is exceeded (for example, a 55 mV p-p ripple voltage)?

    1 REPLY 1

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Ripple voltage higher than expected may lead to a degradation of the sensor's performance and up to outputs out of specifications, although typically mainly noise levels are affected.

    Unfortunately we cannot guaranty any behavior if the sensor is used outside of the datasheet specifications.
