01-30-2020 09:47 PM
Hello all,
I have the BME680 sensor and i'd like to connect it to a ESP32 WROOM with FreeRTOS and Espressif system (in which we got all our firmware). I am using an external library, but it gives me only raw data.
My target is to get the IAQ/AQI using BSEC, but I think there are only for Arduino version of Espressif.
Is there a library for FreeRTOS? How could I use it?
Thank you very much and best regards,
01-31-2020 09:51 AM
Arduino is just one possible environment, but it should be possible to link BSEC's binary for the ESP32 (i.e. libalgobsec.a) with ESP-IDF as well.
Maybe this post from another user could guide you in the right direction?