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    BME680 temperature calibaration and CO2 measurement

    BME680 temperature calibaration and CO2 measurement

    New Poster

    Hello all,

    I am working with BME680 sensor and have a dev board based on it. The problem is that The CO2 values are really strange after sometime, it starts with 500 and ends upto 3000 after a while. Again when I reset the sensor the sensed value shows 500. Any calibaration method for that?

    Also is there any better way to calibarate the temperature sensor other than adding an offset. Because offset is specific to an environement, the sensor if used in different environment  has to be calibarated with different offset. So how to overcome this offset dilemma.


    4 REPLIES 4

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hello CodeOn-ArK,

    Could we know what it the software you used? And how long did you run it?

    We used BSEC version is 1.4.8

    And we run for 2 days continous

    We are using latest version for bme680 bsec software 1.4.8. We are continously monitoring device from last 4 days.
    There is devices, one we are bme680 module with esp32 microntroller integrated on breadboard and other is on pcbs. Every 1hr we are saving the state in non-volatile memory. To get the temp offset we kept both device at same place. There is a differece 8 temp btwn boards. After setting the offset we are getting diffenrece of +-1 that is okay. For IAQ, we are using the generic_33v_3s_28d configuration.

    Problem is:

    1. Humidity differece +-5 after setting the offset.
    2. IAQ differnce is +50 and some time static IAQ values goes high upto 1600+ that is out of range(0-500).
    3. CO2 diffence +3000.


    1. Whats is generic_33v_3s_28d (want answer for conformation ) and Does it affect IAQ, CO2 Values?
    2. Whats are things we need check for accurate readings?

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hello CodeOn-ArK,

    After you download BSEC package from here:, you could see BSEC configurations from integration guide.

    BSEC configurations.png

    I also uploaded BSEC example code for your reference.

    It should ensure the function get_timestamp_us() was implemented correctly
