06-07-2022 10:44 AM
Hi everyone,
I want to measure temperature and recognise gas simultaneously with "basic_config_state.ino"in Bosch-BSEC2-Library-master. I have a problem here with the temperature value.It has big difference between the compensated temperature's value and real temperature which be measured by a thermometer.
(When I used "basic.ino" program which does not recognise gas, the temperature is almost the same with the thermometer's value.)
Could you please tell me how I can get the compensated temperature's value correctly when the sensor can recognise the gas simultaneously ?
Many thanks.
06-07-2022 11:03 AM
Do you have a log of the temperature before compensation, the temperature after compensation and the actual temperature?
06-07-2022 02:55 PM
06-23-2022 08:37 AM
Thank for your feedback.
From your log, you can see that the output temperature of "basic_config_state.ino" is different from the ambient temperature.
By the way, what's sensor API you used?
06-23-2022 10:32 AM
Hi BSTRobin,
Thank for your feedback.
I'm using [Bosch-BSEC2-Library-master] library for my test.