05-17-2022 11:04 AM
I have been using the BME688 with ESP32 in the arduino environment. I have tried relentlessly over the past few days to get a resonable reading for AQI using the Bosch-BME68x-Library however have really struggled. I have attached the arduino code I have made modified to use the I2C instead of SPI and a picture of the output. I have tried many different operational modes to no success.
I have seen other posts with similar output however all mention the use of the BSEC library which I feel is overkill just to get a reading from this sensor.
Any help will be much appriciated.
05-18-2022 06:27 PM
Hi Gavin,
As you used BME688, you could run https://github.com/BoschSensortec/Bosch-BSEC2-Library/tree/master/examples/generic_examples/basic, then you could get IAQ value from BSEC2.
05-23-2022 10:11 AM
Thanks for the response. For this library it includes instructions for using the ESP32 package. I'm actually using a different package (WEMOS Lolin 32 -- https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-built-in-oled-ssd1306/ ) and had difficulty making the changes suggeseted to the rone i'm using. Could you advise on how this could be made possible?
06-14-2022 04:26 AM
Hi Gavin,
See it from your link, it also was ESP32 platform on Arduino IDE.