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    BME688 no new data found

    BME688 no new data found

    Established Member


    I'm using BME688 breakout board sensor with nRF52832 microcontroller. They communicate through I2C protocol.

    For the moment, I do not want ot use the BSEC library, I want to read the datas of Temperature, Pressure and Humidity and gas.

    I downloaded the API from github and I modified the common.c file to adapt to my microcontroller in this way

    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include "bme68x.h"
    #include "bme68x_defs.h"
    #include "common.h"
    #include "nrf_drv_twi.h"
    #include "nrf_delay.h"
    /*!                 Macro definitions                                         */
    /*! BME68X shuttle board ID */
    #define BME68X_SHUTTLE_ID  0x93
    #define SDA_PIN 18
    #define SCL_PIN 19
    /*!                Static variable definition                                 */
    static uint8_t dev_addr;
    static const nrf_drv_twi_t i2c_instance = NRF_DRV_TWI_INSTANCE(0);
    /*!                User interface functions                                   */
     * I2C read function map to COINES platform
    BME68X_INTF_RET_TYPE bme68x_i2c_read(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint32_t len, void *intf_ptr)
        uint8_t dev_addr = *(uint8_t*)intf_ptr; 
        ret_code_t ret_code;
        ret_code = nrf_drv_twi_tx(&i2c_instance, dev_addr, &reg_addr,1,false);
        if(ret_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return ret_code;
        ret_code = nrf_drv_twi_rx(&i2c_instance, dev_addr, reg_data, len);
        if (ret_code == NRF_SUCCESS) 
            return BME68X_OK;
            return 1;
     * I2C write function map to COINES platform
    BME68X_INTF_RET_TYPE bme68x_i2c_write(uint8_t reg_addr, const uint8_t *reg_data, uint32_t len, void *intf_ptr)
        uint8_t dev_addr = *(uint8_t*)intf_ptr;
        ret_code_t ret_code;
        uint8_t send_tmp[10] = {0};
        send_tmp[0] = reg_addr;
        memcpy(send_tmp+1, reg_data, len);
        ret_code_t err_code = nrf_drv_twi_tx(&i2c_instance, dev_addr, send_tmp, len, false);
        if (ret_code == NRF_SUCCESS) return BME68X_OK;
        else return 1;
     * Delay function map to COINES platform
    void bme68x_delay_us(uint32_t period, void *intf_ptr)
    int8_t bme68x_interface_init(struct bme68x_dev *bme, uint8_t intf)
        int8_t rslt = BME68X_OK;
        uint8_t reg_addr; 
        const uint8_t *reg_data;
        uint32_t len;
        void *intf_ptr;
        if (bme != NULL)
            /* Bus configuration : I2C */
            if (intf == BME68X_I2C_INTF)
                dev_addr = BME68X_I2C_ADDR_LOW;
                bme->read = bme68x_i2c_read;
                bme->write = bme68x_i2c_write;
                bme->intf = BME68X_I2C_INTF;
                //coines_config_i2c_bus(COINES_I2C_BUS_0, COINES_I2C_STANDARD_MODE);
               /* const nrf_drv_twi_config_t i2c_instance_config = {  .scl = SCL_PIN,
                                                                    .sda = SDA_PIN,
                                                                    .frequency = NRF_TWI_FREQ_100K,
                                                                    .interrupt_priority = 0};
                rslt = nrf_drv_twi_init(&i2c_instance, &i2c_instance_config, NULL, NULL);
                //enable TWI instance
            //coines_set_shuttleboard_vdd_vddio_config(3300, 3300);
            bme->delay_us = bme68x_delay_us;
            bme->intf_ptr = &dev_addr;
            bme->amb_temp = 25; /* The ambient temperature in deg C is used for defining the heater temperature */
            rslt = BME68X_E_NULL_PTR;
        return rslt;
    void bme68x_check_rslt(const char api_name[], int8_t rslt)
        switch (rslt)
            case BME68X_OK:
                printf("API name [%s]: Tutto ok\n", api_name);
                /* Do nothing */
            case BME68X_E_NULL_PTR:
                printf("API name [%s]  Error [%d] : Null pointer\r\n", api_name, rslt);
            case BME68X_E_COM_FAIL:
                printf("API name [%s]  Error [%d] : Communication failure\r\n", api_name, rslt);
            case BME68X_E_INVALID_LENGTH:
                printf("API name [%s]  Error [%d] : Incorrect length parameter\r\n", api_name, rslt);
            case BME68X_E_DEV_NOT_FOUND:
                printf("API name [%s]  Error [%d] : Device not found\r\n", api_name, rslt);
            case BME68X_E_SELF_TEST:
                printf("API name [%s]  Error [%d] : Self test error\r\n", api_name, rslt);
            case BME68X_W_NO_NEW_DATA:
                printf("API name [%s]  Warning [%d] : No new data found\r\n", api_name, rslt);
                printf("API name [%s]  Error [%d] : Unknown error code\r\n", api_name, rslt);
    void bme68x_coines_deinit(void)
        coines_set_shuttleboard_vdd_vddio_config(0, 0);
        // Coines interface reset


    Then, I try the example of forced mode

    struct bme68x_dev bme;
        int8_t rslt;
        struct bme68x_conf conf;
        struct bme68x_heatr_conf heatr_conf;
        struct bme68x_data data;
        uint32_t del_period;
        uint32_t time_ms = 0;
        uint8_t n_fields;
        uint16_t sample_count = 1;
        /* Interface preference is updated as a parameter
         * For I2C : BME68X_I2C_INTF
         * For SPI : BME68X_SPI_INTF
        rslt = bme68x_interface_init(&bme, BME68X_I2C_INTF);
        bme68x_check_rslt("bme68x_interface_init", rslt);
        rslt = bme68x_init(&bme);
        bme68x_check_rslt("bme68x_init", rslt);
        /* Check if rslt == BME68X_OK, report or handle if otherwise */
        conf.filter = BME68X_FILTER_OFF;
        conf.odr = BME68X_ODR_NONE;
        conf.os_hum = BME68X_OS_16X;
        conf.os_pres = BME68X_OS_1X;
        conf.os_temp = BME68X_OS_2X;
        rslt = bme68x_set_conf(&conf, &bme);
        bme68x_check_rslt("bme68x_set_conf", rslt);
        /* Check if rslt == BME68X_OK, report or handle if otherwise */
        heatr_conf.enable = BME68X_ENABLE;
        heatr_conf.heatr_temp = 300;
        heatr_conf.heatr_dur = 100;
        rslt = bme68x_set_heatr_conf(BME68X_FORCED_MODE, &heatr_conf, &bme);
        bme68x_check_rslt("bme68x_set_heatr_conf", rslt);
        printf("Sample, TimeStamp(ms), Temperature(deg C), Pressure(Pa), Humidity(%%), Gas resistance(ohm), Status\n");
        while (sample_count <= SAMPLE_COUNT)
            rslt = bme68x_set_op_mode(BME68X_FORCED_MODE, &bme);
            bme68x_check_rslt("bme68x_set_op_mode", rslt);
            /* Calculate delay period in microseconds */
            del_period = bme68x_get_meas_dur(BME68X_FORCED_MODE, &conf, &bme) + (heatr_conf.heatr_dur * 1000);
            bme.delay_us(del_period, bme.intf_ptr);
            time_ms = count*50;
            /* Check if rslt == BME68X_OK, report or handle if otherwise */
            rslt = bme68x_get_data(BME68X_FORCED_MODE, &data, &n_fields, &bme);
            bme68x_check_rslt("bme68x_get_data", rslt);
            if (n_fields)
    #ifdef BME68X_USE_FPU
                printf("%u, %lu, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, 0x%x\n",
                       (long unsigned int)time_ms,
                printf("%u, %lu, %d, %lu, %lu, %lu, 0x%x\n",
                       (long unsigned int)time_ms,
                       (data.temperature / 100),
                       (long unsigned int)data.pressure,
                       (long unsigned int)(data.humidity / 1000),
                       (long unsigned int)data.gas_resistance,


    It seems all rigth, I build and the code does not gave any error, but the output is this:

    API name [bme68x_interface_init]: Tutto ok
    API name [bme68x_init]: Tutto ok
    API name [bme68x_set_conf]: Tutto ok
    API name [bme68x_set_heatr_conf]: Tutto ok
    Sample, TimeStamp(ms), Temperature(deg C), Pressure(Pa), Humidity(%), Gas resistance(ohm), Status
    API name [bme68x_set_op_mode]: Tutto ok
    API name [bme68x_get_data] Warning [2] : No new data found
    API name [bme68x_set_op_mode]: Tutto ok
    API name [bme68x_get_data] Warning [2] : No new data found
    API name [bme68x_set_op_mode]: Tutto ok
    API name [bme68x_get_data] Warning [2] : No new data found
    API name [bme68x_set_op_mode]: Tutto ok
    API name [bme68x_get_data] Warning [2] : No new data found
    API name [bme68x_set_op_mode]: Tutto ok
    API name [bme68x_get_data] Warning [2] : No new data found
    API name [bme68x_set_op_mode]: Tutto ok
    API name [bme68x_get_data] Warning [2] : No new data found
    API name [bme68x_set_op_mode]: Tutto ok
    API name [bme68x_get_data] Warning [2] : No new data found
    API name [bme68x_set_op_mode]: Tutto ok
    API name [bme68x_get_data] Warning [2] : No new data found
    API name [bme68x_set_op_mode]: Tutto ok
    API name [bme68x_get_data] Warning [2] : No new data found
    API name [bme68x_set_op_mode]: Tutto ok
    API name [bme68x_get_data] Warning [2] : No new data found
    API name [bme68x_set_op_mode]: Tutto ok
    API name [bme68x_get_data] Warning [2] : No new data found
    API name [bme68x_set_op_mode]: Tutto ok
    API name [bme68x_get_data] Warning [2] : No new data found (and it continues with no new data)

    I try to wait a lot, but the result does not change. I do not understand where the problem is. What can I do to solve the problem?

    Is it possible that the sensor is damaged? In that case, how can I understand it?

    Thanks for the help

    11 REPLIES 11

    Did this problem ever get solved? I'm having the same issue using a BME688 on a custom board with a Nordic nRF52840.

    I got the low level I2C comms working and I can read back the correct chip ID. I modified the functions in common.c to call my low level I2C read/write.

     I pasted in the code from forced_mode.c to test reading data, but I just get this message over and over:

    API name [bme68x_get_data] Warning [2] : No new data found


    EDIT: Whoops - turns out I had implemented my I2C read function, but I had forgotten to do the write. So if anyone else has this issue, make certain your writes are working.



    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi GMeloy,

    You could refer previous example code. If I2C communication under your platform is normal, the example will work.
