02-20-2023 09:35 AM
In the BME AI-Studio Manual it is mentioned that the sensor needs to be running for 24 h in order to produce trust-worthy data. How should this stabilization procedure be performed, i.e. which heating profile and duty cycle is recommended? We are currently finding that it takes significantly longer than 24 h to achieve stable data.
02-20-2023 10:27 AM
Hi OlssonDr,
It is recommended that you run BSEC software, which supports saving the sensor status and setting the saved status when starting up.
02-20-2023 11:31 AM
Due to memory constraints we are unable to use the BSEC software for our application of the sensor. How is the sensor status determined in the BSEC software?
03-14-2023 10:53 AM
Hi OlssonDr,
You could see how to save sensor status in example https://github.com/boschsensortec/Bosch-BSEC2-Library/blob/master/examples/generic_examples/basic_co...