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    BME688 stabilization procedure

    BME688 stabilization procedure

    New Poster


    In the BME AI-Studio Manual it is mentioned that the sensor needs to be running for 24 h in order to produce trust-worthy data. How should this stabilization procedure be performed, i.e. which heating profile and duty cycle is recommended? We are currently finding that it takes significantly longer than 24 h to achieve stable data.

    3 REPLIES 3

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi OlssonDr,

    It is recommended that you run BSEC software, which supports saving the sensor status and setting the saved status when starting up.


    Due to memory constraints we are unable to use the BSEC software for our application of the sensor. How is the sensor status determined in the BSEC software?

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator