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    BMG250 Zero-rate offset change over temperature

    BMG250 Zero-rate offset change over temperature


    We got two working PCBs with the BMG250 which measures a rotation on Z axis. It's data is processed on a MSP430 MCU. The datasheet at page 8 of the BMG250 states that the Zero-rate offset change over temperature is 0.05 °/s/K in a range between -40°C to +85°C. This implies that a positive temperature change results in a positive zero-rate offset change. But our two samples behave in opposite directions. While one offset is rising the other is decreasing. Is it a faulty entry in the datashet or can it be another problem?

    3 REPLIES 3

    Occasional Contributor

    Hi ,

    Here 0.05 °/s/K means +/-0.05 °/s/K.  and a positive temperature change may result in negative zero-rate offset change. Vice versus.

    Thank you for your reply. But it's difficult to work with this documentation. In fact, I had never to work with a data sheet which had so many flaws.


    We are constantly trying to improve our documentation. Free free to share your issues in these forums 👍
