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    BMI088 Allan Variance plots and values

    BMI088 Allan Variance plots and values

    Occasional Visitor

    I am currently working on a master thesis where I am classifying and calibrating  low cost MEMS gyroscopes. One of the gyroscopes that I am testing is the one included in your BMI088 IMU package. I am running allan variance tests on three separate IMU packages at once, and I am getting some weird results when analyzing the data obtained from the BMI088. Is there any possiblity of you sharing the Allan Variance plots and results so that I can compare them to the results that I am getting?

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    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator


    Thanks for your inquiry.

    BMI088 gyro Allan Variance plot requires NDA (non-disclosure agreement). However, you can do you own Allan Variance plots and then check the noise density and long-term bias stability to see if they are matching 0.014dps/rt(Hz) and 2degrees/hour at or not.

