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    BMI088 FIFO synchronization with external interrupts

    BMI088 FIFO synchronization with external interrupts

    New Poster


    I have an external pulse on INT4 (Gyro) of a BMI088.

    I would like to "see" this pulse in the gyro data as descibred in the FIFO usage application note.

    Is there any example code that implements the description in the note already?

    I don't find any in the Sensor API repository: 

    Best, Michael

    13 REPLIES 13

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator


    We are working on the sample code to show external pulse signal from INT4 pin in BMI088 gyro FIFO tag. The sample code will be based on COINES SW and the HW of APP3.0 base board + BMI088 shuttle board. If possible, you can purchase these boards from Digikey or Mouser. COINES SW can be downloaded from our website. Please see the attached PDF file as an example about how to use COINES SW.


    Hi FAE_CA1,

    looking forward to the sample code!

    Let me see if I can make this work on my current setup then, otherwise, I'll go for the base board and shuttle board, yes.

    Best regards!

    Hi FAE_CA1

    is there an update on the example code? I am looking forward to try it on my setup 🙂

    Best regards!

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator


    Sorry for the delay. We are still working on it. The example code should be ready during the week of May 6th.

    Thanks for your patience.

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator


    Please see the attached "". You can copy and paste the sample C code to your own firmware to see if you can get the tag info in gyro FIFO or not. We tested it with APP3.0 base board + BMI088 shuttle board 3.0 + COINES SW + serial port monitor SW MobaXterm. In the sample C code BMI088 gyro INT3 pin was used as an input to accept the external pulse signal. The MCU on the APP3.0 base board was used to control the signal level to INT3 pin.

    Please also see the attached "How to play with BHI360 shuttle board 3.0 v1.pdf", where you can find out how to get HW eval. boards and how to use COINES SW, etc. as an example.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

