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    BMI270 Initialization

    BMI270 Initialization

    New Poster

    Paragraph 4.4 of the BMI270 Data Sheet outlines Power on Reset and Device Initialization. Fourth bullet says that a configuration file needs to be loaded into the device using "burst write". Questions: what is in the configuration file and is it really needed to make the device operate? What happens if I don't load it into the device? What is "burst write" command and is that supported as a python command? Where is it documented?

    14 REPLIES 14

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hello Tilic, 


    Please try 8 or 16 bytes first. 

    If it works, then try to increase read and write buffer. 

    Please let me know about your result. 


    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hello Tolic, 


    Are you sure that you are using our BMI270 API? 

    When you upload config file using 32 bytes of chunk, Writing into 0x5B shall increase 0x01, not 0x10. 

    Please check our source code as below.

    Even though you are using our code, but doesn't work, please let me know. 

    Just in case, I will upload my log. 


    Dear Minhwan,

    Many Thanks, now its working fine!

    May be you can advice to fix statement you can find attachment. Otherwise I will be not the last disturbing you with this issue.



    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hello Tolic, 


    The datasheet comment could be confused. 

    Here is the config file upload source code in bmi270.c 


    /* Store 0 to 3 bits of address in first byte */
    addr_array[0] = (uint8_t)((index / 2) & 0x0F);

    /* Store 4 to 11 bits of address in the second byte */
    addr_array[1] = (uint8_t)((index / 2) >> 4);


    It's not just bytes/2, but some operations more. 

    Even though you don't use our github API, it's good to check our API 🙂 

    Please let me know if you have any further questions. (Any question is alright, not disturbing me)


