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    BMI270 Measurement Range

    BMI270 Measurement Range



    I have purchsed an inertial measurment unit from MbientLab which incorporates the BMI270. 

    I am using this sensor unit placed within a concussion model to detect the angular velocities reached during a concussive whiplash motion.

    I am using the maximum range quoted of 2000 degrees per second, which the model comfortably reaches during the first movement (+2,000dps) of the head forward. The issue is, in the reverse movement of the head backwards, the angular velocity only goes to zero / slightly negative, when I expect it to reach close to -2,000dps (shown in Image attached, blue line is data from sensor, red line is the plot I would expect if working properly).

    Is this due to the BMI270 only being able to measure -2,000 dps starting from the positive 2,000 dps peak? (Positive peak to negative peak occurs in 0.05 seconds). Or, should the BMI270 be capable of detecting the +2,000 peak quickly followed by the -2,000 peak, suggesting something else in my experiment design is at fault for these faulty results?



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    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator


    I don't think poor RSSI will affect BMI270 accel and gyro data in terms of accuracy.

