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    BMI270 and BMM150 programming problem

    BMI270 and BMM150 programming problem

    New Poster

    Hi, i am developing custom board using nrf52840 and BMI270 with BMM150. I have a problem with programming it because i can only acces acc data and by reading registers for gyro data there in none and same for the mag data i use datasheet to enable enything in correct orded (according to datasheet) and it is still not working. Previously i was using bmx160 and there was no problem with it. Can anyone provide code for it with libraries (library from bosch sensortech is not working good because of coines) i attach schematic and PCB screenshot. I am using segger embedded studio





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    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi Ceranthor,

    For BMI270 part, it is recommended to use 100 nf decoupling capacitors at pin 5(VDDIO) and pin 8(VDD).
    For BMM150 part, CSB and SDO pin should be connected to GND or VDDIO, refer BMM150 data sheet:

    BMM150 I2C address.png
    2. software
    You can refer github example code
