11-16-2020 03:17 PM
I used the official program to initialize BMI270, but there was an error in the initialization program
BMI270_Arduino_example_1:44:10: error: 'struct bmi2_dev' has no member named 'dev_id'
bmi2.dev_id = BMI270_CS;
#include <SPI.h>
#include <bmi2.h>
#include <bmi270.h>
#include <bmi270_context.h>
#include <bmi2_defs.h>
#include <bmi2_ois.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
#define BMI270_CS SS
#define BMI270_INT1 6
/* Callback function prototypes for the BMI270 Sensor API */
int8_t bmi2_spi_read(uint8_t dev_id, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *data, uint16_t len);
int8_t bmi2_spi_write(uint8_t dev_id, uint8_t reg_addr, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t len);
void bmi2_delay_us(uint32_t period);
/* Static variables */
static struct bmi2_dev bmi2;
static volatile bool bmi2_intr_recvd = false;
static volatile uint32_t last_time_us = 0;
void setup(void)
int8_t rslt;
while (!Serial.available()); // Wait for an input to proceed
/* Use either the SPI or I2C configuration */
// /* Start of SPI configuration */
pinMode(BMI270_CS, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(BMI270_CS, LOW);
digitalWrite(BMI270_CS, HIGH); // Toggle the chip select to switch into SPI mode
bmi2.dev_id = BMI270_CS;
bmi2.read = bmi2_spi_read;
bmi2.write = bmi2_spi_write;
bmi2.delay_us = bmi2_delay_us;
bmi2.intf = BMI2_SPI_INTERFACE;
bmi2.read_write_len = 8192;
bmi2.config_file_ptr = NULL; // Use the default BMI270 config file
/* End of SPI configuration */
rslt = bmi270_init(&bmi2);
attachInterrupt(BMI270_INT1, bmi2_intr1_callback, RISING);
//rslt = configure_sensor(&bmi2);
11-16-2020 03:53 PM
Hello Eason,
Which example code did you refer? In struct bmi2_dev, it has no dev_id member:
/*! Structure to define BMI2 sensor configurations */
struct bmi2_dev
/*! Chip id of BMI2 */
uint8_t chip_id;
/*! The interface pointer is used to enable the user
* to link their interface descriptors for reference during the
* implementation of the read and write interfaces to the
* hardware.
void *intf_ptr;
/*! To store warnings */
uint8_t info;
/*! Type of Interface */
enum bmi2_intf intf;
/*! To store interface pointer error */
/*! For switching from I2C to SPI */
uint8_t dummy_byte;
/*! Resolution for FOC */
uint8_t resolution;
/*! User set read/write length */
uint16_t read_write_len;
/*! Pointer to the configuration data buffer address */
const uint8_t *config_file_ptr;
/*! To define maximum page number */
uint8_t page_max;
/*! To define maximum number of input sensors/features */
uint8_t input_sens;
/*! To define maximum number of output sensors/features */
uint8_t out_sens;
/*! Indicate manual enable for auxiliary communication */
uint8_t aux_man_en;
/*! Defines manual read burst length for auxiliary communication */
uint8_t aux_man_rd_burst_len;
/*! Array of feature input configuration structure */
const struct bmi2_feature_config *feat_config;
/*! Array of feature output configuration structure */
const struct bmi2_feature_config *feat_output;
/*! Structure to maintain a copy of feature out_conf values */
struct bmi2_int_map int_map;
/*! Structure to maintain a copy of the re-mapped axis */
struct bmi2_axes_remap remap;
/*! Flag to hold enable status of sensors */
uint64_t sens_en_stat;
/*! Read function pointer */
bmi2_read_fptr_t read;
/*! Write function pointer */
bmi2_write_fptr_t write;
/*! Delay function pointer */
bmi2_delay_fptr_t delay_us;
/*! To store the gyroscope cross sensitivity value */
int16_t gyr_cross_sens_zx;
/* gyro enable status, used as a flag in CRT enabling and aborting */
uint8_t gyro_en : 1;
/* advance power saving mode status, used as a flag in CRT enabling and aborting */
uint8_t aps_status;
/* used as a flag to enable variant specific features like crt */
uint16_t variant_feature;
/* To store hold the size of config file */
uint16_t config_size;
/*! Function pointer to get wakeup configurations */
bmi2_wake_up_fptr_t get_wakeup_config;
/*! Function pointer to set wakeup configurations */
bmi2_wake_up_fptr_t set_wakeup_config;
11-16-2020 04:24 PM
I use BMI270_Arduino_example.ino from with Ardduino Meaga 2560 . Besides this, there is an error saying that the global variables are taking up 115% of dynamic memory.
11-16-2020 11:17 PM
11-17-2020 10:25 AM
Hello Eason,
In your application code, the value 8192 for read_write_len was too high.This value needed to be set according maximum length of MCU SPI HW.
I used value 32 for read_write_len on STM32.
bmi2.read_write_len = 8192;