2 weeks ago
I have several BMI323 semsors need to be connected in serial on I2C so I have to set each of them with different addresses. I didn't find any info in library or from data sheet. I noticed BOSCH mentioned "Each sensor can be set to a unique I2C address, as described in the hardware description in the data sheet." Could you share some info where and how I can implement the re-addressing of them? THX!
2 weeks ago
Hi kaosun,
Thank you for the question, sorry to tell you BMI323 I2C can not configurate to different addresses by register, it only support two I2C addresses by HW.For example the I2C address is 0x68 if the SDO pin is pulled to GND, address 0x69 is selected by pulling the SDO pin to VDDIO.
2 weeks ago
Thanks for quicl reply! Do you have any recommedation for any IMU supports "set I2C address"?
2 weeks ago
Hi kaosun,
It's better use other interface, the communication between application processor and the device will happen
over one of the interfaces I3C, I²C or SPI. And what is the use case? If you convenience tell me, I may evaluate it.
a week ago
It must connects to I2C interface? It can use other interfaces, The communication between application processor and the device will happen
over one of the interfaces I3C, I²C or SPI.