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    BMM150 does not generate interrupt signal

    BMM150 does not generate interrupt signal

    Occasional Visitor

    Hi everyone!

    I'm trying to configure threshold interrupt for bmm150. After lots of effort, I can not generate any interrupt signal from bmm150. Bellow, I tried configuring high threshold in Y axis, a interrupt will be generated when magnetic in Y axis exceeds 300 uT.

    const int THR_INTERRUPT = 0x32; // 50*6 = 300(micro T)
    uint16_t desired_settings = BMM150_INT_PIN_EN_SEL | BMM150_INT_LATCH_SEL |/*** END ***/
    state->settings.int_settings.int_pin_en = BMM150_INT_ENABLE;
    state->settings.int_settings.int_polarity = BMM150_ACTIVE_HIGH_POLARITY;
    state->settings.int_settings.int_latch = BMM150_NON_LATCHED;
    state->settings.int_settings.high_int_en = BMM150_THRESHOLD_Y;
    state->settings.int_settings.high_threshold = THR_INTERRUPT;
    int8_t rslt = bmm150_set_sensor_settings(desired_settings, state);
    BMM_INST_LOG(LOW, this, "Config thredhold for interrupt finished, rslt = %d, thredhold = %d", rslt, THR_INTERRUPT);

    // Read registers after configuring
    for(int i = 0; i <= 19; i++) {
    bmm150_get_regs(state->scp_service, state->com_port_info.port_handle, 0x40 + i, &reg_data, 1, state);
    BMM_INST_LOG(LOW, this, "Register 0x%x: 0x%x", 0x40 + i, reg_data);

    After configuring, I checked the log and saw that my configuring code is implemented already. And bellow are values of registers read from bmm150 after I configured threshold interrupt:

    Register 0x40: 0x32
    Register 0x41: 0x5
    Register 0x42: 0x29
    Register 0x43: 0x7
    Register 0x44: 0x59
    Register 0x45: 0xf8
    Register 0x46: 0x25
    Register 0x47: 0x0
    Register 0x48: 0xb0
    Register 0x49: 0x64
    Register 0x4a: 0x0
    Register 0x4b: 0x1
    Register 0x4c: 0x6
    Register 0x4d: 0x2f
    Register 0x4e: 0x45
    Register 0x4f: 0x0
    Register 0x50: 0x32
    Register 0x51: 0x7
    Register 0x52: 0xe
    Register 0x53: 0xff

     My bmm150 is working well, I used a magnet to make Y axis exceeds 300 uT but there is no interrupt generated in INT pin. Does anyone help me figure out the problem. Thank so much !

    1 REPLY 1

    Occasional Contributor

    Hi Sir:

         If you want to use BMM150 interrupt feature, you should choose Normal mode.

        Please see the following picture and modify your sourece code.


       Hopefully, it can help you.


