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    BMO055 Custom pcb - getting raw data?

    BMO055 Custom pcb - getting raw data?

    New Poster
    Hi Guys!

    I have a custom pcb with a BNO055 imu and an esp32 pico d4.
    I want to output raw acceleration, gyroscope and magnetometer data and save them to a 512mb flash memroy on the pcb.

    I Found the following guide using the original bosch library that I would like to use (Couldn't find the device I2C location adress using the Adafruit library):

    In this example which worked on my board, the chosen output is euler angles.
    How can I find a list of the different outputs options like the ones that I need?

    The example uses

    bno055_read_euler_hrp(&myEulerData); //Update Euler data into the structure
    Serial.print(F("Orientation: z "));

    Serial.print((float(myEulerData.h) /16.00));

    Where can I find documentation for the syntax to call accel, gyro and mag. data?

    3 REPLIES 3

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi Chupil,

    There was BNO055 example code for your reference on github( to get accel, gyro, mag RAW data, euler data, etc.

    BNO055 is not recommended for use in new designs.

    What similar imu from bosch is recommended for future projects? An imu that is well documented and easy to work with, that works well in 100hz+ outputing accel, gyro and mag?

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi Chupil,

    You could use BMI270+ BMM150 or BHI260AP+BMM150 for 9doF application.
