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    BMP280 migration to BMP388/BMP390L

    BMP280 migration to BMP388/BMP390L

    New Poster

    Six months ago I finished a design using the BMP280 which is now in production.  I found out today that the BMP280 is not recommended for new designs and that the 388 or 390L are the recommended replacements.

    I would like to know how all of my firmware that was written to communicate with two BMP280's using SPI is going to be affected. Do any of the registers change with the new devices?  Can I just re-use all of my code or an I going to have to make changes?  Is there a document that provides details of what are the changes from a SPI (and I2C) communication standpoint?

    1 REPLY 1

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hello JRG,

    BMP388 or BMP390L had more registers than BMP280, driver code needed to be updated. You could download it from github.
