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    BMP388 Temperature Measurement Range

    BMP388 Temperature Measurement Range

    New Poster


    I am trying to use the BMP388 for basic weather info.  I am using the forced mode for starting measurements and get a 16-bit result as expected.  But what is the temp measurement range so I can scale to a meaningful number?  At this point I am not concerned with high accuracy, I just want to get ballpark numbers then go from there.  I am using a PIC mpu so my program area is very limited and will have to avoid all the floating point libraries.


    5 REPLIES 5

    New Poster
    Die you Look at the API in GitHub?

    Yes, I am aware there are good solutions around.  I am working with a small MPU with limited program space so I need to create very efficiend code.  The floating point routines use too much program space for my project.

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Using the compensation formulas is mandatory to convert raw register values into scaled outputs. If floating-point arithmetic cannot be used in your project, the only alternative we offer uses 64-bit integers, as implemement in the BMP3 sensor API.

    Thanks for the info... I have concluded I will need to select a product that does the computations internally.  My project just will not have the resources necessary.

