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    BMP390L oversampling measurement discrepancies

    BMP390L oversampling measurement discrepancies

    New Poster

    During evaluation of the BMP390L with the "Application Board 2.0" (+ shuttle board) and "Development Desktop 2.0" I noticed measurement discrepancies between the different oversampling settings. When switching between the lowest (i.e. x1) and highest (x32) oversampling setting, a significant measurement difference of about +-1hPa @ 955hPa is noticeable:

    Before switching from x1 to x32Before switching from x1 to x32After switching from x1 to x32After switching from x1 to x32

    There is a difference in measurement between every setting, yet not as pronounced as in the example above.

    Where does this discrepancy come from?

    4 REPLIES 4

    Occasional Contributor

    Hi Sir:

         Could you offer the whole captured picture to let me know the sensor settting? We can repeat your experiment with your setting.

         Could you put your sensor into the stable pressure environment, like pressure chamber?

         Maybe When switching between the different oversampling setting, there are some deviations, but the difference should not be so big, your result is over 1hPa,it is abnormal if in the stable pressure environment.


    Hi Jet,

    Please find the full screenshot in the attachment. Before the step, the pressure oversampling setting was set at "x1".

    The deviations are not environmentally induced, thus putting it in a controlled pressure environment will not change much. As you see in the attachment, the measurements before and after the step are not particularly noisy.

    I also attached a (zipped) screen recording so you can see what happens.

    Thanks for trying to reproduce!

    Occasional Contributor

    Hi Sir:

        According to your setting, the phenomenon was reproduced and confirmed.

        The reason is that you didn't enable terperature sensor, if enable it, the abnormal result will disapprear.

        Please see my attachment which is a (zipped) screen recording so you can see what happens as well.


    Hi Jet,

    Thanks a lot!

    The reason why I disabled the temperature measurement is because of the utilization of the FIFO. But I just noticed that this can be disabled independently.
