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    BMP585 absolute minimum rating and light effect

    BMP585 absolute minimum rating and light effect

    New Poster

    Dear Bosch Technical Teams,

    I am reaching out with two  questions regarding the BMP585 sensor, as I am considering using it for an outdoor application exposed to sunlight with altitude variation.

    • Could you please confirm whether the sensor is sensitive to direct sunlight? Does direct sunlight creates an offset on pressure measured? I am asking this because the electronics components are just under the gel and can be affected by sunlight (already seen this effect on other pressures sensors using gel).
    • Additionally, can the sensor operate effectively under pressure conditions of 0.150 bars and 1.5 bars? I do understand that is not the usual working range but in another topic "BMP585 absolute maximum ratings" i found this answer :"The BMP585 can withstand a pressure of 2000000Pa without damage." thus a am wondering what is the lower limit.

    Best regards 


    1 REPLY 1

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator


    Thanks for your inquiry.

    BMP585 is sensitive to directly light as shown on page 11 of the handling instructions at However, you can do your own evaluation by using BMP585 shuttle board at and APP3.1 application board at After you download Development Desktop 2.1 SW on our website, you can log BMP585 data into a CSV file when you place the BMP585 sensor under the sunlight.

