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    BMX160 BMI160 Pin Compatibility

    BMX160 BMI160 Pin Compatibility

    New Poster


    I'm looking to subsititute a BMI160 in a design for a BMX160 to take advantage of the built in magnetometer.

    4 pins have different functionality in the pinout pins 2, 3, 10, and 11. 10 and 11 are now DNCs which is fine as they are already DNCs on my design.

    Pins 2 and 3 have changed from ASDx and ASCx to GND and GND. In my design these are DNCs as well and the GND on pins 6 and 7 are connected.

    I don't see an internal diagram showing if these grounds are connected internally or not, but I suspect given their pin description on page 101 of the datasheet that they are connected to both the analog and digital ground internally.

    Can anyone confirm?



    2 REPLIES 2

    Long-established Member



    I think you could safely assume the PINs of the magnetometer sensor inside BMX160 are well-connected, including the power/GND/I2C bus.



    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    The GND pin inside sensor are well connected between analog and digital GNDs. 

    BMM150 is used internally of BMX160 and connect on BMI160 secondary interface.  That is the reason the ASDX and ASCX pin of BMI160 package are marked as GND for BMX160 package. 

    Connect to GND will bring more robust on noise performance but it is OK to DNC to make sensor work. 
