05-05-2022 12:41 PM
I am using a combination of any motion and fifo high watermark in the two interrupt pins.
Is there a way the synchonize the start and end of any movement interrupt event with the data that is streaming in via the FIFO?
The only solution that I can think off is to fetch the BMX160 internal 24 bit clock when the event occurs and search/scan through the FIFO data.
05-05-2022 04:02 PM
Hi André,
Host could received interrupt and record timestamp.
05-12-2022 02:55 PM
is it correct the an end of any motion automaticly generates a FIFO watermark so that the applcation will read the the remainder of the fifo from the end of the last fifo read up until this end of any motion?
06-13-2022 10:11 AM
Hi André,
any motion and FIFO watermark are different interrupt. Any motion will not automaticly generates a FIFO watermark.