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    BMX160 - I want use it in my device but it is "Not recommended for new designs"?

    BMX160 - I want use it in my device but it is "Not recommended for new designs"?

    New Poster


    I've finished GSM device with BMX160 (hardware 100% and over 50% sofware). I try to buy BMX160, but I've read information that is "Not recommended for new designs". I have 3 pcs (I bought them many months ago) but I will need more for 1-2 month. Why this part is not recommended for new designs ?Thanks for any help. 



    7 REPLIES 7

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator


    Thanks for your inquiry.

    BMX160 has BMI160 and BMM150 inside. Since BMI160 is "Not available for new designs", BMX160 is "Not recommended for new designs". Please switch to BMI270 + BMM150 two-chip solution to replace BMX160. If you need 9DoF sensor fusion algorithm to get quaternions and Euler angles, then you can use BHI260AP + BMM150.


    Hi, thanks for reply, but I can't use 2 chips, I haven place on pcb. Could You tell me that BMX160 are available from Bosh reseller - for example or mouser ?  Could You tell me if I can use some Your part, where there will be in one chip acc/gyro and mag ? 

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator


    Sorry that BMX160 is the only chip that has 9-axis sensor inside with accel, gyro and mag. Currently BMX160 is really difficult to purchase on the market. If it is not too late, please redesign your PCB with BMI270 + BMM150 two-chip solution.


    Hi, I can't do that, first 50 pcs pcb is during production. BMX160 has been chosen becasue there are 3 sensors in one small package.  When I make project I didn't know, there will problem with BMX160. Next problem is that I have one line from MCU to use for CS line in SPI mode. I can't use two device, where any of them need to CS line in SPI. Many producers send information to reseller if some part will not be available /produce >6 month before that. That You want to say me that BMX160 will not be produce in the future and I can't buy it ? Probably I make choice other producer part, where I could buy 3 sensors in one part. Thanks for any help.
