02-09-2022 01:19 AM
I've finished GSM device with BMX160 (hardware 100% and over 50% sofware). I try to buy BMX160, but I've read information that is "Not recommended for new designs". I have 3 pcs (I bought them many months ago) but I will need more for 1-2 month. Why this part is not recommended for new designs ?Thanks for any help.
02-10-2022 12:23 AM
Thanks for your inquiry.
BMX160 has BMI160 and BMM150 inside. Since BMI160 is "Not available for new designs", BMX160 is "Not recommended for new designs". Please switch to BMI270 + BMM150 two-chip solution to replace BMX160. If you need 9DoF sensor fusion algorithm to get quaternions and Euler angles, then you can use BHI260AP + BMM150.
02-17-2022 07:00 PM
Hi, thanks for reply, but I can't use 2 chips, I haven place on pcb. Could You tell me that BMX160 are available from Bosh reseller - for example digikey.com or mouser ? Could You tell me if I can use some Your part, where there will be in one chip acc/gyro and mag ?
02-18-2022 04:51 PM
Sorry that BMX160 is the only chip that has 9-axis sensor inside with accel, gyro and mag. Currently BMX160 is really difficult to purchase on the market. If it is not too late, please redesign your PCB with BMI270 + BMM150 two-chip solution.
02-22-2022 02:29 PM
Hi, I can't do that, first 50 pcs pcb is during production. BMX160 has been chosen becasue there are 3 sensors in one small package. When I make project I didn't know, there will problem with BMX160. Next problem is that I have one line from MCU to use for CS line in SPI mode. I can't use two device, where any of them need to CS line in SPI. Many producers send information to reseller if some part will not be available /produce >6 month before that. That You want to say me that BMX160 will not be produce in the future and I can't buy it ? Probably I make choice other producer part, where I could buy 3 sensors in one part. Thanks for any help.