03-18-2021 11:54 AM
Hello, I'm running BNO055 via I2C, basically using examples from the driver https://github.com/BoschSensortec/BNO055_driver, I can talk to the IC, and get those versions:
chip id A0, softwared rev 311, accel id FB, mag id 32, gyro id F, bootloader rev 15
I set it into power mode 0 (BNO055_POWER_MODE_NORMAL) and I tried all operation modes, but when I try reading sensor data or fusion data, I get all 0, my quaternion is 0,0,0,0 and each sensor also returns 0,0,0. Calibration status status first reads 0330 (3 for accel and gyro, 0 for sys and mag) in IMU mode, but then reads 0000 for all sensors.
I tried two different chips, they give the same results. Looks like sensors themselves don't start by some reason, and I can't figure out why.
05-05-2021 10:57 PM
I experience the same issue but even when operation mode set to 0x8 I still get 0s. I do set power mode to Normal. I did notice difference that switching power mode can get sensor to spit out 0s but now even when I don't switch power mode I still get 0s. Here is my code example
void bno055_init_test(BNO055_imuReadOutData_t* bmo055OutData)
/*********read raw accel data***********/
bmo055OutData->accel_datax = BNO055_INIT_VALUE; // variable used to read the accel x data
bmo055OutData->accel_datay = BNO055_INIT_VALUE; // variable used to read the accel y data
bmo055OutData->accel_dataz = BNO055_INIT_VALUE; // variable used to read the accel z data
//struct bno055_accel_t accel_xyz;
/*********read raw mag data***********/
bmo055OutData->mag_datax = BNO055_INIT_VALUE; // variable used to read the mag x data
bmo055OutData->mag_datay = BNO055_INIT_VALUE; // variable used to read the mag y data
bmo055OutData->mag_dataz = BNO055_INIT_VALUE; // variable used to read the mag z data
//struct bno055_mag_t mag_xyz;
/***********read raw gyro data***********/
bmo055OutData->gyro_datax = BNO055_INIT_VALUE; // variable used to read the gyro x data
bmo055OutData->gyro_datay = BNO055_INIT_VALUE; // variable used to read the gyro y data
bmo055OutData->gyro_dataz = BNO055_INIT_VALUE; // variable used to read the gyro z data
//struct bno055_gyro_t gyro_xyz;
/*************read raw Euler data************/
bmo055OutData->euler_data_h = BNO055_INIT_VALUE; // variable used to read the euler h data
bmo055OutData->euler_data_r = BNO055_INIT_VALUE; // variable used to read the euler r data
bmo055OutData->euler_data_p = BNO055_INIT_VALUE; // variable used to read the euler p data
//struct bno055_euler_t euler_hrp; // structure used to read the euler hrp data
/************read raw quaternion data**************/
bmo055OutData->quaternion_data_w = BNO055_INIT_VALUE; // variable used to read the quaternion w data
bmo055OutData->quaternion_data_x = BNO055_INIT_VALUE; // variable used to read the quaternion x data
bmo055OutData->quaternion_data_y = BNO055_INIT_VALUE; // variable used to read the quaternion y data
bmo055OutData->quaternion_data_z = BNO055_INIT_VALUE; // variable used to read the quaternion z data
//struct bno055_quaternion_t quaternion_wxyz; // structure used to read the quaternion wxyz data
/************read raw linear acceleration data***********/
bmo055OutData->linear_accel_data_x = BNO055_INIT_VALUE; // variable used to read the linear accel x data
bmo055OutData->linear_accel_data_y = BNO055_INIT_VALUE; // variable used to read the linear accel y data
bmo055OutData->linear_accel_data_z = BNO055_INIT_VALUE; // variable used to read the linear accel z data
//struct bno055_linear_accel_t linear_acce_xyz; // structure used to read the linear accel xyz data
/*****************read raw gravity sensor data****************/
bmo055OutData->gravity_data_x = BNO055_INIT_VALUE; // variable used to read the gravity x data
bmo055OutData->gravity_data_y = BNO055_INIT_VALUE; // variable used to read the gravity y data
bmo055OutData->gravity_data_z = BNO055_INIT_VALUE; // variable used to read the gravity z data
//struct bno055_gravity_t gravity_xyz; /* structure used to read the gravity xyz data
u8 power_mode = BNO055_INIT_VALUE;
/*Start initialization*/
comres = bno055_init(&bno055); //checks ID versions
power_mode = BNO055_POWER_MODE_NORMAL;
comres += bno055_set_power_mode(power_mode);
comres = bno055_set_operation_mode(BNO055_OPERATION_MODE_IMUPLUS); //BNO055_OPERATION_MODE_CONFIG
success = bno055_read_register(BNO055_SYS_STAT_ADDR, &err_bmo055_buf[1], BNO055_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH);
if ((err_bmo055_buf[1]==0x01) || (err_bmo055_buf[0]!=0x0)){
success = bno055_read_register(BNO055_SYS_ERR_ADDR, &err_bmo055_buf[0], BNO055_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH);
while (err_bmo055_buf[0]!=0x00){
/*Software system reset */
success = bno055_read_register(BNO055_SYS_TRIGGER_ADDR, &bno055_sys_trig, BNO055_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH);
write_buf = (bno055_sys_trig | BNO055_SYS_RST_MSK);
bno055_set_operation_mode(BNO055_OPERATION_MODE_CONFIG);//not sure if I need this but setting it to write to the register
success = bno055_write_register(BNO055_SYS_TRIGGER_ADDR,
&write_buf, BNO055_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH);
HAL_Delay(650); //just in case we need a little time to reset
I2C_routine_BNO055(); //assign functions
comres = bno055_init(&bno055); //checks ID versions
comres += bno055_set_power_mode(BNO055_POWER_MODE_NORMAL); //set power mode
bno055_set_operation_mode(BNO055_OPERATION_MODE_AMG);//set operation mode
success = bno055_read_register(BNO055_SYS_STAT_ADDR, &err_bmo055_buf[1], BNO055_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH);
success = bno055_read_register(BNO055_SYS_ERR_ADDR, &err_bmo055_buf[0], BNO055_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH);
count = count + 1;
//set to use external oscillator
success = bno055_read_register(BNO055_SYS_TRIGGER_ADDR, &bno055_sys_trig, BNO055_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH);
write_buf = (bno055_sys_trig | BNO055_CLK_SRC_MSK); //0x80;
success = bno055_write_register(BNO055_SYS_TRIGGER_ADDR, &write_buf, BNO055_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH);
success = bno055_read_register(BNO055_SELFTEST_RESULT_ADDR, &err_bmo055_buf[4], BNO055_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH);
if (err_bmo055_buf[4]!=0xf){
success = bno055_read_register(BNO055_SYS_TRIGGER_ADDR, &bno055_sys_trig, BNO055_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH);
write_buf = (bno055_sys_trig | BNO055_SELFTEST_MSK); //0x01;
//Do self-test
success = bno055_write_register(BNO055_SYS_TRIGGER_ADDR, &write_buf, BNO055_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH);
success = bno055_read_register(BNO055_SELFTEST_RESULT_ADDR, &err_bmo055_buf[4], BNO055_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH);
success = bno055_read_register(BNO055_SYS_CLK_STAT_ADDR, &err_bmo055_buf[2], BNO055_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH);
success = bno055_read_register(BNO055_INTR_STAT_ADDR, &err_bmo055_buf[3], BNO055_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH);
success = bno055_read_register(BNO055_CALIB_STAT_ADDR, &err_bmo055_buf[5], BNO055_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH);
BNO055_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bno055_check_cal(bno055_calib* calib_results_struct){
success = bno055_get_accel_calib_stat(calib_results_struct->accel_calib_status);
success = bno055_get_gyro_calib_stat(calib_results_struct->gyro_calib_status);
success = bno055_get_sys_calib_stat(calib_results_struct->sys_calib_status);
success = bno055_get_mag_calib_stat(calib_results_struct->mag_calib_status);
/* This API is an example for reading sensor data
* \param: Structure where data will be stored
* \return: None
void bno055_data_readout_template(BNO055_imuReadOutData_t* bmo055OutData)
/* variable used to set the power mode of the sensor*/
u8 power_mode = BNO055_INIT_VALUE;
/* For initializing the BNO sensor it is required to the operation mode
* of the sensor as NORMAL
* Normal mode can set from the register
* Page - page0
* register - 0x3E
* bit positions - 0 and 1*/
//power_mode = BNO055_POWER_MODE_NORMAL;
/* set the power mode as NORMAL*/
//comres += bno055_set_power_mode(power_mode);
/* For reading sensor raw data it is required to set the
* operation modes of the sensor
* operation mode can set from the register
* page - page0
* register - 0x3D
* bit - 0 to 3
* for sensor data read following operation mode have to set
* based on the user need configure the operation mode*/
comres += bno055_set_operation_mode(BNO055_OPERATION_MODE_IMUPLUS); //BNO055_OPERATION_MODE_AMG
/************************* START READ RAW SENSOR DATA****************/
/* Raw accel X, Y and Z data can read from the register
* page - page 0
* register - 0x08 to 0x0D*/
comres += bno055_read_accel_x(&bmo055OutData->accel_datax);
comres += bno055_read_accel_y(&bmo055OutData->accel_datay);
comres += bno055_read_accel_z(&bmo055OutData->accel_dataz);
comres += bno055_read_accel_xyz(&bmo055OutData->accel_xyz);
/* Raw mag X, Y and Z data can read from the register
* page - page 0
* register - 0x0E to 0x13*/
comres += bno055_read_mag_x(&bmo055OutData->mag_datax);
comres += bno055_read_mag_y(&bmo055OutData->mag_datay);
comres += bno055_read_mag_z(&bmo055OutData->mag_dataz);
comres += bno055_read_mag_xyz(&bmo055OutData->mag_xyz);
/* Raw gyro X, Y and Z data can read from the register
* page - page 0
* register - 0x14 to 0x19*/
comres += bno055_read_gyro_x(&bmo055OutData->gyro_datax);
comres += bno055_read_gyro_y(&bmo055OutData->gyro_datay);
comres += bno055_read_gyro_z(&bmo055OutData->gyro_dataz);
comres += bno055_read_gyro_xyz(&bmo055OutData->gyro_xyz);
/************************* END READ RAW SENSOR DATA****************/
/************************* START READ RAW FUSION DATA ********
* For reading fusion data it is required to set the
* operation modes of the sensor
* operation mode can set from the register
* page - page0
* register - 0x3D
* bit - 0 to 3
* for sensor data read following operation mode have to set
* based on the user need configure the operation mode*/
// comres += bno055_set_operation_mode(BNO055_OPERATION_MODE_NDOF);
/* Raw Euler H, R and P data can read from the register
* page - page 0
* register - 0x1A to 0x1E */
comres += bno055_read_euler_h(&bmo055OutData->euler_data_h);
comres += bno055_read_euler_r(&bmo055OutData->euler_data_r);
comres += bno055_read_euler_p(&bmo055OutData->euler_data_p);
comres += bno055_read_euler_hrp(&bmo055OutData->euler_hrp);
/* Raw Quaternion W, X, Y and Z data can read from the register
* page - page 0
* register - 0x20 to 0x27 */
comres += bno055_read_quaternion_w(&bmo055OutData->quaternion_data_w);
comres += bno055_read_quaternion_x(&bmo055OutData->quaternion_data_x);
comres += bno055_read_quaternion_y(&bmo055OutData->quaternion_data_y);
comres += bno055_read_quaternion_z(&bmo055OutData->quaternion_data_z);
comres += bno055_read_quaternion_wxyz(&bmo055OutData->quaternion_wxyz);
/* Raw Linear accel X, Y and Z data can read from the register
* page - page 0
* register - 0x28 to 0x2D */
comres += bno055_read_linear_accel_x(&bmo055OutData->linear_accel_data_x);
comres += bno055_read_linear_accel_y(&bmo055OutData->linear_accel_data_y);
comres += bno055_read_linear_accel_z(&bmo055OutData->linear_accel_data_z);
comres += bno055_read_linear_accel_xyz(&bmo055OutData->linear_acce_xyz);
/* Raw Gravity sensor X, Y and Z data can read from the register
* page - page 0
* register - 0x2E to 0x33 */
comres += bno055_read_gravity_x(&bmo055OutData->gravity_data_x);
comres += bno055_read_gravity_y(&bmo055OutData->gravity_data_y);
comres += bno055_read_gravity_z(&bmo055OutData->gravity_data_z);
comres += bno055_read_gravity_xyz(&bmo055OutData->gravity_xyz);
/************************* END READ RAW FUSION DATA ************/
************************* START DE-INITIALIZATION ***********************
/* For de - initializing the BNO sensor it is required
* to the operation mode of the sensor as SUSPEND
* Suspend mode can set from the register
* Page - page0
* register - 0x3E
* bit positions - 0 and 1*/
//power_mode = BNO055_POWER_MODE_SUSPEND;
/* set the power mode as SUSPEND*/
//comres += bno055_set_power_mode(power_mode);
************************* END DE-INITIALIZATION **********************
//return comres;
bmo055OutData->comres = comres;
05-05-2021 11:02 PM
I fixed the issue by using Adafruit's library: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_BNO055 No ide why Bosch's driver didn't work for me, code looked fine to me, maybe some problems during compilation or similar.
05-06-2021 03:18 PM
Thank you Eirenliel! I am wondering which compiler do you use and which family microcontroller? If that's compiler or micro issue it must be specific to certain family. Have new library resolved issue with SYS_STATUS reading 0x01 (error)? For me, this error doesn't go away even when I reset IMU.
05-06-2021 03:44 PM
I'm not sure which compiler it uses, but I am using platformIO in vscode. My MCU is ESP8266 (ESP-12). Yes different library resolved all issues, I didn't investigate why exactly, but it's worth a shot, since it shouldn't be hard to swap.
06-09-2021 04:44 AM
Hello all,
https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_BNO055 is software provided by a third party, using C++.
https://github.com/BoschSensortec/BNO055_driver is software provided by Bosch sensortec, using C. It is source code, no library, and could be migrated to different host MCU platform.