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    BNO055 and STM32F103 i2c communication problem

    BNO055 and STM32F103 i2c communication problem

    New Poster

    Hello. In the card I designed, it seems like there is no issue with the communication between the BNO055 sensor and my STM32F103 microcontroller based on the basic "IsDeviceReady" check code I wrote. However, I have attached the signal waveforms I obtained from the logic analyzer program. Is there any problem? What does 0x14 mean? I would greatly appreciate it if you could assist me with this.

    1 REPLY 1

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi DoganSamil,

    Github already has a sensor API for accessing BNO055, and you can access BNO055 based on the API(
    I attached example code on STM32 for your reference. Hope it will be helpful for you.
