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    BNO055 connection error && all value 0

    BNO055 connection error && all value 0

    Occasional Visitor

    Hello, I am working on a project using an Arduino Nano and a BNO055 IMU.

    The board in the first photo, which has an insulation coating on the green PCB, receives data properly, but the board in the second photo, which does not have the insulation coating, does not receive any data.

    Additionally, I followed the BNO055 quick start guide to design my own PCB (refer to the schematic), but this PCB also does not receive data.

    To be precise, it’s not that the data isn’t being received at all; rather, the code if(!bno.begin()) triggers a print statement in the serial monitor.

    (Also, if I run the code without the bno.begin() command, all values are displayed as 0.00).

    I’m not sure what the issue is. Please help!

    I have attached my code, the PCB schematic, and a photo of the green PCB in the attachments.


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