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    BNO055 firmware upgrade with custom MCU

    BNO055 firmware upgrade with custom MCU



    we are planning to use the BNO055 in a product and would like to use the Data Ready Interrupts.

    However, according to the Datasheet, firmware version 3.14 and above is required for this functionality (p. 56, note 6). The preprogrammed version is 3.11 (p. 56, note 6). The datasheet also states "In case there is a firmware update, then an application note would be available in time with the necessary information to upgrade at the host side." (p. 51, 3.10 Bootloader).

    We would like to use our host MCU to update the firmware via I2C. Can you provide example code or a specification for bootloader protocol?

    Kind regards,

    Josua Janus

    1 REPLY 1

    Community Moderator
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    Hello jjanus,

    Thanks for your message. We gladly publish all publicly available info, but sadly are unable to share the requested info within the community. Thanks for your understanding. If you have any further requests, please visit, use the contact form to submit your request and please make sure you refer to the question posed in the community.
