08-16-2021 07:42 AM
Hi to community,
First of all, Huge thanks to BOSCH for BNO055, Its awesome and I really enjoy working with it.
I have been working with different IMUs and AHRS systems for a while, Now that I need to manipulate and edit some in AHRS matrices, which unfortunately I don't have access on BNO055 which is ok and I highly respect the company policy for that, so I decided to use BNO055 raw data to obtain smooth and accurate output with some modifications.
So I started to implement a Kalman Based Quaternion Sensor Fusion Algorithm and I came up with some questions and thought the best place to ask is here.
1.What should I do exactly to obtain a smooth quaternion output?
2.Which ODR and FS setting should I set for my sensor?
3.In which frequency should I run my sensor fusion algorithm?
4.and any other important thing that may help
08-16-2021 08:33 AM
Hello Mason_Safavi,
Could you describe your detailed application scenario and requirement?
08-21-2021 06:19 AM
Thanks for responding, @BSTRobin
Here is what I'm trying to achieve: I'm trying to use BNO055 with Adafruit_AHRS library which includes Kalman Based NXP Sensor Fusion Algorithm for obtaining the same BNO055's Smooth Quaternion output.
But I don't know which exact setting I should set to achieve that.(ODR,FS,Filter Frequency)
09-24-2021 09:24 AM
Hello Mason_Safavi,
If you don't know how to config sensor setting, you could refer BNO055 example code in github.