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    BNO080 - problem to obtain yaw, pitch and roll

    BNO080 - problem to obtain yaw, pitch and roll

    Established Member


    I have a problem with the BNO80 sensor to obtain yaw, pitch and roll.

    With this buffer 'cargo':
    0x17 0x80 0x03 0xAF 0xFB 0x19 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x05 0x0B 0x00 0x00 0xC6 0xFE 0xB0 0x01 0x29 0x3A 0xA2 0x1A 0x44 0x32

    I have obtain this results:

    I processing the cargo buffer to obtain the quaternions :
    q1 = ( ( ( int16_t ) cargo [ 14 ] << 8 ) | cargo [ 13 ] ) ;
    q2 = ( ( ( int16_t ) cargo [ 16 ] << 8 ) | cargo [ 15 ] ) ;
    q3 = ( ( ( int16_t ) cargo [ 18 ] << 8 ) | cargo [ 17 ] ) ;
    q0 = ( ( ( int16_t ) cargo [ 20 ] << 8 ) | cargo [ 19 ] ) ;

    #define QP14 0.0000610352f

    q0 *= QP14 ;
    q1 *= QP14 ;
    q2 *= QP14 ;
    q3 *= QP14 ;

    q1 = 3.9808
    q2 = 0.0263
    q3 = 0.9087
    q0 = 0.4161

    To obtain yaw, pitch and roll i have applied this conversions :
    tmp_yaw = atan2 ( ( q1 * q2 + q0 * q3 ) , ( ( q0 * q0 + q1 * q1 ) - 0.5f ) ) ;
    tmp_pitch = -asin ( 2.0f * ( q1 * q3 - q0 * q2 ) ) ;
    tmp_roll = atan2 ( ( q0 * q1 + q2 * q3 ) , ( ( q0 * q0 + q3 * q3 ) - 0.5f ) ) ;

    tmp_yaw = 0.0311
    tmp_pitch = 0
    tmp_roll = 1.2821

    I have convert this variables in degrees:
    pitch = tmp_pitch * ( 180.0 / M_PI ) ;
    yaw = tmp_yaw * ( 180.0 / M_PI ) ;
    roll = tmp_roll * ( 180.0 / M_PI ) ;

    pitch = 0
    yaw = 1.78
    roll = 73.46

    These results are in degrees, it are not real because the BNO080 sensor is stopped. Where is the problem ? It's urgent !

    Thanks you!


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    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    BNO080/085 are programmed, sold, and supported by Hillcrest Labs. Please refer to them or your local sales channel for support for these products.
